1.Tortilla Flat-John Steinbeck. Publ.:Penguin Books,Uk. 4th Penguin Pr. 1958. Uk. 223 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
2. Pillar of cloud-Jackson
Burgess. Corgi books.
GW815. UK. 1957. In excellent condition.
3. Love without fear-
Eustace Chesser. Signet
Book T3283. 29th print.
USA. In exc.condit. 1,50
4.The confidential agent- Graham greene. Bantam novel of suspence nr.A 1773. 2nd bantam pr. May 1958. 153 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
5.Collision course-Alvin Moscow. Dell pocket F102. 1st.Dell pr. August 1960. 288 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
6. Water of life-Henry Morton Robinson. Cardinal Edition GC 951. 2nd.print. July 1961. USA. In nice cond. 1,50
7.The making of a president 1960-Theodore E.White. Pocket Books In c. Cardinal edition GC 953. USA. 7th pr. 1963. 481 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
8. Beyond defeat-Hans Werner Richter. Panther Books 1046. UK. 1960.
In excellent condition. 1,50
9. A fortnight in the Black Forest-Leslie Bransby.
Publ.:Percival Marshall.,
Uk. 1954. In ice condit. 1,=
10.Guys and dolls- Damon Runyon. Pocket
Books Inc. nr.1098. USA.
Nov.1955. In exc.condit.
11.(more)Brother Juniper- Father Justin McCarthy. Publ.:Pocket Books,USA. nr. 6036. 1st.pr. 1960. 128 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
12. Miss Pym disposes-
Josephine Tey. Dell Books 5677. USA. 1964.
In excellent condition. 1,=
13. An old captivity-Nevil
Shutre. Lancer Books 72-645. USA. 1962. In
excellent condition. 1,50
14. The man who never was-Ewen Montagu. Bantam Books J2772. USA. 1964.
In excellent condition. 1,=
15. Was it murder-James Hilton. Bantam Books.
USA. 1st publ. March
1946. In nice condition. 2,=
16. Israel's fight for survival-Robert J. Donovan. Signet Books T3286. USA. 1967.
In excellent condition. 1,50
17.The vanishing adolescent -Edgar Z.Friedenberg. Publ.: Dell Laurel edit. nr.9276. 5th Dell pr. 1964. 223 pag. USA. Exc. cond. 2,50
19.The man in the gray flannel suit-Sloan Wilson. Pocket Books Inc. Cardinal edition C 230. USA. 2nd.pr. May 1956. 287 pag. In nice cond. 2,=
20.The man within-Graham Greene. Bantam pocket nr.355. 1st Bantam print august 1948. 210 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
21. The last time I saw Paris-Elliot Paul. Bantam Books. 2nd printing jan. 1946. USA. In excellent
condition. 1,50
22. The ladybird-D.H. Lawrence. Penguin Books 1483. UK. 1960. In
excellent condition. 1,=
23. The murder on the links-Agatha Christie. Pan Books X241. UK. 7th printing. 1964. In excellent condition. . 1,25
24. Tropic of Capricorn- Henry Miller. Grove Press USA. 4th print. 1961. In excellent condition. 1,50
25. Justine-Lawrence Durrell.
Faber and Faber UK.
1961. In nice condition.
26.The man who shot Quantrill-George C. Appell. Pocket Book nr.1232. 2nd.pr. March 1959. 199 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
27. Leave it to Psmith- P.G.Wodehouse. Penguin books nr.936. UK. 1954.
In nice condition. 2,=
28. Father Malachy's miracle- Bruce Marshall. Fontana Books 742. UK. 1962. In excellent condition. 1,=
29. The ugly american-WilliamJ.Lederer and Eugene Burdick. Corgi Books GN 919. In nice condition. 1,=
30.Auntie Mame-Patrick Dennis. Publ.Great Pan G183. 5th pr. 1961. UK. 221 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
31.The New Adventures of Ellery Queen. Publ.:Pocket Book,USA. nr.134. 16th pr, febr.1945. 311 pag. exc.cond. 4,=
32. The time of the Gringo-Elliott Arnold. Bantam Books F1379. 1955. USA.
In excellent condition. 1,50
33. Richard the Second-
Shakespeare. Washington Square Press W119. 1962. 1st print. USA. In excellent condition. 1,=
34. Cakes and ale-W. Somerset Maugham.
Pocket Book 1158. 2nd
print. 1957. USA. In excellent condition.
35. Freedom road-Howard Fast. Pocket Book 6128.
2nd print. 1962. USA. In
excellent condition. 1,25
36.Railroad hombre-John D.Burton. Wagon Wheel western W239. Uk. 1963.. 160 pag. In exc.cond. 3,=
37.The Midas compulsion -Ivan Shaffer. Publ.: Dell nr.5622. August 1970. USA. 300 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
39. One day in the life of Ivan Dennisovich. Signet
Book P2295. USA. 1st. print. 1963. In excellent
condition. 2,=
41. Heaven has no favorites - Eich Maria Remarque.Crest Book D515. USA.1961. In excellent condition. 1.50
42. Tower in the west- Frank Norris. Lancer Books 74-834. USA. 1964. In excellent condition. 1,50
43. House of defence-Elizabeth Berridge. 1948.
The Albatross volume 579. In excellent condition. 1,25
44. The devil's advocate- Morris L.West. Dell Books. 4th print. June
1961. USA. In excellent condition. 1,25
45.The turn of the crew- Henry james. Publ.: Dell Book nr.800. USA. 191 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
46. The Berlin couriers- James McGovern. Pyramid Books X1378.
2nd.printing 1966. USA.
In excellent condition. 1,=
47. Open the ports-J.Grosenor & Lt.Comdr.L.M.Bates. The exciting story of human mine sweepers. Kimber pocket edit. UK. 1960. In exc.cond. 2,=
48. Death track-Charles Trapper. A living death on the Siam Birma railway. Digit Booka Uk 1961.In exc. cond. 2,=
49. The new industrial state- John Kenneth Galbraith. Signet Book Y3637. USA. 1967. In excellent cond. 1,25
50. The Concertgoers Handbook-Hubert Foss.
Pocket Book B44. USA.
1951. In excellent condition. 1,50
51. The spy in the Java sea-Bill S.Balinger. Signet
Books D2981. 1st. print.
USA. 1967. In excellent
condition. 1,=
52. The Copenhagen affair- Slater McGurk. Lancer Books 73-592. USA. 1967. In excellent condition. 1,=
53. Black money - Ross
MacDonald. Fontana Book 1762. UK. 1966. In
excellent condition. 1,=
54.Dying we live(The final messages and records of some Germans who defied Hitler). Foreword by Trevor Huddleston. Publ.:Fontana Bookes. Uk.Pocket nr.281r. 253 pag. Exc. cond. 2,50
55. Mosquitoes-William Faulkner. Dell Book nr.D168. USA. 4th.print. 1959. In excellent condition. 1,25
56. Sink the Bismarck- Frank Brennand. Four Square pocket 187. March 1960. UK. 160 pages. In exc.cond. 2,50
57. The scarlet thread-Donald Downes. Panther Books 924. UK. 1959. In excellent condition. 1,25
58. The shoes of the Fisher men-Morris West. Pan Books X 305. UK. 1963. In excellent condition. 1,=
59.Alert in the West(a luft- waffe ace in the thick of battle)-Willi Heilman. Publ.:William Kimber & Co.,London. Kimber pocket edit. 1958. 188 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
60. The last one left-John D.MacDonald. A Fawcett
Gold Medal Book. M2203.
USA. 1967. In excellent
condition. 1,=
61.Another Claudia-Rose Franken. Publ.:W.H.Allen, London,Uk. Soft cover. 136 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=
62.Young Claudia-Rose Franken. Publ.:W.H.Allen, London,Uk. Soft cover. Exc.cond. 3,=
63. The chinese hammer- Simon Harvester. Collier
Books USA. 1st.edition.
1962. In excellent condition. 1,25
64. Conversations with Stalin-Milovan Djilas. Penguin pocket nr.1967.
1963. In exc.cond. 1,50
65.Giant-Edna Ferber. Pocket Books c 120. USA. 1957. 389 pag. In exc. cond. 4,=
66.No highway-Nevil Shute. Publ.Dell Book 516. USA. 288 pag. 1st edit. In exc.cond. 2,=
67.Martin Eden-Jack London. Penguin Books pocket nr.587. Uk. May 1946. 346 pag. Exc.consd. 2,50
68. Pastoral-Nevil Shute.
Ballantine Books X757.
USA. In excellent cond.
69. Saturday night and Sunday morning-Alan Sillitoe. Signet pocket D 1842. USA. 1st.pr. 1960. 190 pg. In excellent cond. 2,=
70.The White Nile-Alan Moorehead. Dell pocket nr.9516. Nov.1972. USA. 415 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
71. Journey into fear-Eric
Ambler. Fontana Books 1321. 1966. In excellent
condition. 1,=
72.Forced march-Morton Warnow. Publ.:Signet Books nr.S 2039. 1st.pr. 1962. 141 pag. New American library. Exc.cond. 2,50
73.After many a summer- Aldous Huxley. Penguin Modern classics nr.1049. Uk. 1964. 251 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
74. The hurricane-Terence Robertson. Ballantine pocket nr. 410K. USA. 1960. 143 pages. In exc.cond. 2,=
76. In the wet-Nevil Shute. Pan Books 330-02291-1.UK. 2nd.printing 1969. In
excellent condition. 1,=
77. The black shrike-Alistair MacLean. Fawcett Gold Medal Book. Nov.1970. In excellent condition. 1,=
78.The age of longing- Arthur Koestler. Signet Giant pocdket nr.S985. 1st.pr. 1953. USA. 350 pg. In nice cond. 2,50
79. The smoldering sea- U.S .Andersen. A Cardinal Edition C 140. USA.April 1954. In nice condit. 1,50
80.Anatomy of a murder-Robert Traver. Dell pocket nr.F75. USA. 3rd.pr. 1959. 512 pag. In nice cond. 2,50
81/The black obelisk-Erich Maria Remarque. Crest Giant nr.8249. 1st.pr. Nov. 1958. 319 pag. USA. Exc. cond. 2,50
82.Men against the stars. Edited by:Martin Greenberg. Introduced by:Willy Ley. Pyramid Giant pocket G234. 1st.pr. 1950 191 pag. Exc. cond. 2,50
83.Dark masquerade-Patricia Maxwell. Fawcett Gold Medal pocket nr.150. 1974. USA. Exc.cond. 2,=
84. The adventure of the Christmas pudding- Agatha Christie. Fontana pocket 896. Uk. 1963. In exc.cond. 1,50
85. The murder on the links-Agatha Christie. Pan Books X241. UK. 7th print 1964. In excellent condit.
86.Mission of gravity-Hal Clement. Penguin Science Fiction pocket nr.1978. Uk. 1963. 200 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
87. Crooked house- Agatha Christie. Fontna Bokks pocket 328. 3rd.pr. 1961. Uk. In exc. cond. 2,=
88. The body in the library-Agatha Christie. Great Pan pocket G221. Uk. 4th.pr. 1960. In exc. cond. 2,=
89. The offenders-R.H.Ward. Great Pan pocket G584. UK. 1960. In exc.cond. 1,50
90.Lust for life(novel based on the life of Vin- cent van Gogh)-Irving Stone. Pocket Books USA. A Cardinal edit.C 10. 5th pr.July 1953. 471 pag. Nice cond. 2,50
91.The man who never was- Ewen Montagu. Penguin pocket nr.1183 UK. 2nd Penguin print 1957. 122 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
92. Hercule Poirot's Christmas-Agatha Christie. Pan Books X 721, Uk. 1967. In exc. cond. 1,50
93. At Bertam's hotel-Agatha Christie. Fontana Books 1521. Uk. In nice cond. 1,=
95. The sinking of the Bismarck-Will Berthold. Corgi Books GB 817. UK. 1960. In exc.cond. 1,50
96.The Pearl-John Steinbeck. Bantam Book pocket 131. USA. 2nd.pr. 1947. 118 pag. In nixce cond. 2,=
97. Far from the customary skies-Warren Eyster. A Bantam Giant A 1304. 1st.print. April 1955. USA. In excellent condition. 1,50

98.Too many ghosts-Paul Gallico. Publ.:Pocket Book Inc. USA. Cardinal edit. C426. 2nd.pr. Sept.1961. 278 pag. In exc.cond. 1,50
99. An old captivity-Nevil Shute. Lancer Books 72-645. 1962. USA. In excellent condition. 2,=
100.The angry mountain- Hammond Innes. Pan Books pocket nr.274. Uk. 1954. 223 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
101.James Bond:Moonraker-Ian Fleming. Pan Books X234. Uk. 13th pr. 1963. 190 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
102. Air Force-Frank Harvey. Ballantine pocket 329K. USA. 1959. 142 pages. In exc.cond. 2,50
103. The nine days of Dunkirk -David Divine. Ballantine pocket F368K. USA 1959. 286 pages. In exc.cond. 2,=
 104.The sea around us (fascinating revelations about the magic and mystery of the ocean)- Rachel L.Carson. Publ.: New American Library. USA. Mentor Book M 100. Jan.1954. 169 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
105. Too late the Phalarope- Alan Paton. Signet Book S1290. USA. 1st printing april 1956. In excellent condition. 1,50
106.The fall of valor-Charles Jackson. Popular Library ,USA. nr.SP 278. 1964. 222 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
107. Doctor at sea- Richard Gordon. Penguin Book 1561. 1961. UK. In excellent condition. 1,50
108. The great train
robbery-John Gosling and
Dennis Craig. Signet Books P2752. 1st.print. Oct' 1965. USA. In exc. condit. 1,50
109. Candy-Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg. Putnam 1042. USA. 1964.
In nice condition. 1,=
110.More Penguin Science Fiction-Edited by Brian Aldiss. Penguin Books Uk 1st.pr. 1963. 236 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
111. Strait is the gate- Andre Gide. Vintage Books,New York. 1960. In excellent condition. 1,25
112.The red pony-John Steinbeck. Bantam Books pocket nr.1408. USA. 2nd.Bantam pr. Dec.1955. 120 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
113. The razor's blade-W. Somerset Maugham. Pocket Book 418. USA. 7th print. Nov.1947. In exc.cond. 1,50
114. The great mouthpiece - Gene Fowler. Bantam Book 32. USA. April 1946. In excellent condition. 2,=
115. Operation T-Norman Daniels. Pyramid Spy
Thriller R 1652. 1st. print.
USA. 1967. In nice cond.
116. Wuthering heights- Emily Bronte. Pocket Book USA. 29th print 1949. In excellent condition. 1,50
117.Berlin:Story of a battle april-may 1945-Andrew Tully. Macfadden Books pocket nr. 75-136. USA. 1964. 287 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
118.Battle surgeon-Frank G. Slaughter. Pocket Books nr.50503. USA. 1966. 283 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
119. The incredulity of Father Brown -G.K. Chesterton. Penguin Book 1069. UK. 1958. In exc.condit. 1,25
120.The best american short stories 1963. Ballantine Books pocket nr.U6002. USA. 1963. 416 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
121. The black prince(and other stories)-Shirley Ann grau. Signet Books S1318
1st.print July 1956. USA. In nice cond. 1,50
122. Famous american plays of the 1940's-Henry Hewes. Dell 2490. 3rd
print march 1963. USA.
In excellent condition. 1,50
123.The proud tower(A portrait of the world before the war,1890-1914)-Barbara W.Tuchman. Publ.:Bantam Books,USA. nr.14222-4. 1980. 615 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
124. The night Hamburg died- Martin Caidin. Ballantine Books F359K. 1960 USA.
In excellent condition. 2,=
125.Best of Sci-Fi nr.2. Edited by:Judith Merril. Mayflower Dell pocket nr.9773. Uk. 1963. 399 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
126. Science and the modern world- Alfred North Whitehead. Mentor Book MP538. USA. 13th print. 1964. In exc.condit. 1,25
127.Totempole-Sanford Frieman. Signet nr. Q3023. USA. Publ.:New American Library. 1st.Signet pr. 1966. 380 pag. exc. cond. 3,=
128.Lenny Bruce-John Cohen. Publ.: Ballantie Books,USA. Pocket nr. U 7086. 1st.pr. 1967. 319 pages. Exc.cond. 2,=
129. The world of Suzie Wong-Richard Mason. Fontana Books 302. 9th print dec. 1960. USA. In excellent condition. 1,25
130. The best of everything -Rona Jaffe. A Cardinal Giant GC 68. 2nd print. August 1959. USA. in exc. cond. 2,=
131. The Pocket Book of Old Masters-Herman J. Wechsler. Pocket Book 578. USA. 3rd.print aug. 1949. In excellent condition. 2,50
132. Famous artists and their models-Thomas Craven. Pocket Book 579. USA. 2nd print June 1949. In excellent condition. 2,50
133. Gods and godesses in Art and Legend-Herman J. Wechsler. Pocket Book 661. 1st.print april 1950.
In excellent condition. 2,50
135. The lady of the White House-Eleanor Roosevelt
Gorgi Books 846. UK.
June 1951. In nice condit.
137. Surprising Amsterdam- Arthur Frommer. USA.
1965. In nice condition.
138. Mao Tse Tung-Stuart Schram. Pelican A480.
UK. 1967. In excellent condition. 1,25
139. The hours before dawn- Celia Fremlin. Dell D422. 1st.Dell print may 1961. In excellent condition. 2,50
140.A murder of quality-John Le Carre. Signet pocket D2529. 1st.pr. Sept. 1964. 126 pag. In exc.cond. 1,50
141.Mystery and imagination - Edgar Allan Poe. Pocket Book edit. nr.39. USA. 17th pr. Dec.1949. 353 pag. In exc. cond. 3,50
142. Film world-Ivor Montagu. A pelican Original A686.
UK. 1964. In excellent condition. 1,50
143. Hand in glove-Ngaio Marsh. USA. June 1963. Berkley Medaillon F777. In nice condition. 1,=
144. Murder must wait- John Creasey . Publ.: Arrow Books nr.006. . UK. 1967. In exc.cond. 1,50
145. Ah Wilderness/The hairy ape/All God's chillun got wings-Eugene O'Neill. Penguin Plays PL 18. UK. 1960. In excellent condition. 1,25
146.Kaputt-Curzio Malaparte. Avon nr. N135. Publ.:Avon Books. USA. 1966. Cover illustr.: Don Crowley. 352 pag. exc.cond. 2,50
147.The case of the stuttering bishop-Erle Stanley Gardner. Pocket Book nr.201. 20th pr. August 1946. USA. In exc.cond. 2,50
149.The naked land-Hammond Innes. Avon pocket nr.V2372. 2nd.Avon pr. July 1972. 238 pag. In exc.cond. 1,50
150.The naked sun-Isaac Asimov. Panther pocket nr.1016. Uk. Febr.1960. 189 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
151. Our man in Havana-Graham Greene. Penguin Book 1790. UK. 1962. In
excellent condition. 1,25
152. A wreath for Rivera-Ngaio Marsh. Berkley Medaillon F610. USA. febr.1962. In
excellent condition. 1,25
153.The bramble bush- Charles Mergendahl. Bantam fifty pocket nr.F1968. USA. 1959. 312 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50

154.His eye is on the sparrow-Ethel Waters with Charles Samuels. Bantam Giant nr.A 985. USA. 1952. 342 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
155.Of mice and men/ cannery Row-John Steinbeck. Penguin Books nr.717. Uk. 1961. 224 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
156. Here is your war-Ernie Pyle. Lancer Books pocke t 72-622. 272 pages. In exc.cond. 2,=
157. I Claudius-Robert Graves. Penguin Books nr.318. 1958. In nice cond. 1,50
158. Up to her neck-John Newton Chance. Popular Library 646. USA. Febr.
1959. In excellent condit.
159. The theory of the leisure class-Thorstein Veblen. Mentor Book MP 401. USA. 6th print. 1962. In nice condition. 1,=
161. The Saint around the world-Leslie Charteris. Hodder 473. UK. 1961.
In excellent. 1,50
162.Rommel-Desmond Young. Fontana Books pocket nr.48. 1st.Fontana pr. 1955. Uk. 316 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=
163.Love is eternal-Irving Stone. Cardinal Giant nr. GC-32. 2nd pr. 1956. 569 pag. In nice cond. 2,50
164.The silent world- Captain J.Y.Cousteau. Pocket Books Inc. Cardinal pocket edit. C163. 2nd.Cardinal pr. febr.1955. 225 pag. Illustr.with photos. In exc. cond. 2,50
165. A farewell to arms- Ernest Hemingway. penguin Books nr.2. 1959. 15th print. In exc. cond. 2,=
166. James Bond:The spy who loved me-Ian Fleming. Pan Books X653. UK . 1967. In excellent condition. 1,50
167.The breaking wave- Nevil Shute. Ballantine Books pocket nr.U5005. USA. 1964. In nice cond. 2,=
168.(Murder rides the) Campaign train -The Gordons. Publ.:A Bantam mystery nr.1475. USA. 1956. In exc.cond. 2,50
169. Butterfield 8-John O'Hara. Penguin Books nr.1469. 1st.print. 1960. UK. In exc.cond. 2,=
170.The room-Hubert Selby Jr. Dell pocket nr.7524. USA. 2nd.pr. 1971 288 pag. exc. cond. 3,=
171. The promise-Pearl S. Buck. Grey Arrow G106. UK. 1961. In excellent condition. 1,25
172. It's a battlefield-Graham Greene. Star Editions. UK. 1948. In excellent condition. 1,25
175. 14 Stories-Pearl S.Buck. Pocket Books Inc. Giant Cardinal edition GC163.USA. 2nd.pr. May 1963.In exc.condit. 1,50
176. Adventures in two worlds-A.J.Cronin. Bantam Books H2469. 2nd pr.June 1962. USA. In exc. condit. 1,50
177.The captain from Connecticut-C.S.Forrester. Bantam Book 40. 1st.pr. March 1946. U.S.A. 309 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
178. The Albatross Almanac1935. Albatross Hamburg.1934. In exc. condit. 2,=.
179. Sir Rogue-Leslie Turner White. Pocket Books Inc. Cardinal Edition C178. USA. June 1955. In excellent condition. 1,50
180.The story of Mankind-Hendrik van Loon. Pocket Books Inc. USA. Cardinal Giant nr.GC 5. 2nd.pr. July 1953. 526 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
181. To hell and back- Audie Murphy. Perma Books M4029. USA. 15th.pr. Nov.1955. In exc.condit. 3,=
182. High adventure-Edmund Hillary. Hodden UK. 1958. In excellent condition. 2,=
183.New maps of hell- Kingsley Amis. publ.:Four Square Book pocket nr.863. USA. 1963. 141 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
184.Pavillion of women -Pearl S.Buck. Pocket Book nr.642. 2nd pr. oct.1949. 419 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
185.The collector-John Fowles. Publ.:Dell nr. 1335. USA. 5th pr. Nov.1965. 255 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
186. A short history of theAmerican Revolution- John Hyde Preston. Pocket Books. Cardinal Edition C25. 2nd.pr. Febr.1952. USA. In exc.condit. 2,=
187. The arches of the years-Halliday Sutherland. Pan Books 124. UK. 1950. In excellent condit. 1,50
189. The dark labyrinth- Lawrence Durrell. Pocket Books Inc. GC 161. USA. April 1963. In
excellent condition. 1,50
191. The desert generals-Correlli Barnett. Berkley Medaillon S605. USA. Febr.1962. In
excellent condition. 1,50
192. A tribute to John F. Kennedy-Edited by Pierre
Salinger. Dell 9100. USA.
febr.1965. In excellent condition. 1,50
193. In the wet-Nevil Shute. Perma books M4095. USA. 2nd print. July 1960. In nice condition.
195.Collision course-Alvin Moscow. Dell pocket F102. USA. 1st.pr. August 1960. 288 pag. In exc. cond. 2,50
196. The immoralist-Andre Gide. Vitage Books K8.
USA. 9th print Jan.1960.
In excellent condition. 1,50
197. The great invasion-Leonard Cottrell. Pan Giant X81. USA. 2nd print
1961. In excellent condit.
198. Killer in the rain- Raymond Chandler.
Pocket Books Inc.75138.
USA. 1964. In excellent
condition. 1,50
199.The case of the grinning gorilla(Perry Mason)-Erle Stanley Gardner. Pocket Book Inc. nr.1121. 2nd PB pr. August 1956. 182 pag. In nice cond. 2,=

200.Catalina-W.Somerset Maugham. Lancer Books nr.605. 1st pr. 192 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
201. Mission of gravity- HalClement. Pyramid Books F786. USA. 1962. In nice condition. 2,=
202. Beyond tomorrow -Damon Knight. A Fawcett GoldMedal book. USA. 1965. In excellent condition. 1,50
203.The cauldron-Zeno. Pan Books nr.330 02o89 7. UK. 1968. 270 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
204. The complete sonnets, songs and poems of William Shakespeare.-Henry W. Simon. 1960.
Washington Square Press
Book W131. USA. In
excellent condition. 1,25
206. The island of doctor Moreau-H.G.Wells. Penguin Modern Classics
nr.571. UK. 1962. In
excellent condition. 1,50
207.The silver eggheads (a headlong riot of hilarious science fiction satire)-Fritz Leiber. Publ.:Ballantine Books. USA. Pocket nr.F561. 1961. 192 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
208.Cosmic engineers- Clifford D.Simak. Paperback Library Inc. USA. nr.52-498. 2nd.pr. July 1967. 159 pag. In exc.cons. 2,50
210. Plunder of the sun-David Dodge. Penguin Books nr.1022. UK. 1955. In excellent condition. 1,25
211.Crome yellow-Aldous Huxley. Bantam Books nr.A1260. 1st.Bantam edit. 1955. USA. 152 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
212.Violent security - George Burnett. Thriller Book Club edition. 1962. Hard cover with dust jacket. 224 pag. In exc.cond.
213. Treasure island-Robert Louis Stevenson. Pocket Book. 7th print, Dec. 1949. In good condition. 1,25
215. The burnished blade-
Lawrence Schoonover. A
Bantam Giant. A903. 1st.
print. may 1951. USA. In
nice condition. 2,=
216. Maddon's rock- Hammond Innes. Pan Books 354. 1st.Pan Book edit. 1956. in exc.cond.
217. Strange customs of
courtship and marriage-
William J.Fielding.
Popular Library Eagle book EB62. USA.
April 1956. In excellent
condition. 1,75
218. Red queen white queen-Henry Treece. PenguinBooks nr.1820. UK. 1961. In excellent condition. 1,50
219. The long swords-Edward Frankland. Bantam Giant A1425. USA. febr.1956. In excellent condition. 2,=
220. The conformist-Alberto Moravia. Signet Giant S1071. 1st.print. Nov. 1953 In nice condition. 2,=0
221.Unfinishes cathedral- T.S.Stribling. Albatros Modern Continental Library nr.240. Pocket soft cover with dust jacket. 1934. 306 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
222.The Doomsday Men- J.B.Priestley. Popular Library,USA. nr.SP 195. nov.1962. In exc.cond. 2,=
223. Cloak of folly-Burke Boyce. Lancer Books 74-
886. 1967. USA. In
excellent condition. 1,25
224. The axe-Sigrid Undset.Giant Cardinal edition. GC 220. 1st. print. Dec.1963. USA. In excellent condition. 1.25
225. Waterfront-Budd Schulberg. Bantam Books F1510.USA. sept.1956. In excellent condition. 2,=
226. The Castilian rose-Robert Bancoft. Pocket Book Inc. 6112. USA. Febr.1962. In excellent condition. 1,50
227. Silver leopard-F.van Wyck Mason. Pocket Book Inc.C 242. Cardinal edition. March 1957. USA. In excellent condition. 2,50
228. The queen's grace -Jan Westcott. Perma Book M5031. USA. 1961. In excellent condition. 2,=
230. The pocket book of verse -M.E.Speare. Great english and american poems. 77 poets-249 poems. Pocket Book 62.
31st.pr. Oct.1948. USA.
In nice condit. 1,25
231. His majesty's highlanders-Leslie Turner White. MB Book 75-169. USA. 1967. In nice condition. 1,=
232.Return to otherness- Henry Kuttner. Publ.: Ballantine Books. USA. pocket nr.F 619. 1962. 240 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
233. The man who watched the trains go by-Georges Simenon. Penguin Book2150. UK. 1964. In exc.condit. 1,50
234.Nine coaches waiting -Mary Stewart. Publ.: Hodder & Stoughton. 5th pr. 1966. Uk. 317 pag. In exc.cond. 1,50
235.A dram of poison- Charlotte Armstrong. A Fawcett Crest Book nr.T 1446. USA. 160 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
236. Room at the top- John Braine. Penguin Books 1361. UK. 1960 In exc. condit. 1,50
237. Three plays for puritans-Bernard Shaw. Penguin Books 562. UK. 1952.In exc.condit. 1,50
239. Cakes and ale-W. Somerset Maugham. Pocket Books Inc. 50029.
USA. 13th pr. Nov.1964.
In exc.condit. 1,50
240. The dark side of the earth-Alfred Bester. Pan Science Fiction. UK. 1969. In excellent cond.
241.Dr.No-(James Bond)-Ian Fleming Pan Books Uk. nr.X237. 18th pr. 1965. 189 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
242.England made me-graham Greene. Pan Books nr.288. UK. 1954. 189 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
244. Great dialogues of Plato.Mentor book MD167. USA. 1st.print. 1956. In nice condition. 1,50
245. Omar Khayyam-Harold Lamb. Bantam Giant A1545. Bantam Books . USA. Dec.1956. In nice condit. 1,50
246.An old captivity-Nevil Shute. Publ.:Lancer Books 72-645. 2nd.pr. 1962. USA. 224 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
247. The path beyond the stars -Emil Petaja. Dell Books 6864. USA. 1969. In exc.condit. 2,=
248.Freud,his dream and sex theories-Joseph Jastrow. Pocket Books Inc. A Cardinal edition. 1st.print. April 1954. USA. In exc.condit. 2,=
249. According to the evidence-Henry Cecil. Pan Books 402. UK. 1957. In goede staat. 1,50
250.The exploration of space-Arthur C.Clarke. Premier Book D102. USA. 1st.Premier print oct.1960. 192 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
251. Gypsy-Gypsy Rose Lee. Dell books D307. USA.3rd.print. Nov.1959. In exc.condit. 2,=
252.Fairy tales from the Isle of Man-Dora Broome. . A Puffin Story book nr.59. Penguin Book Uk. 1951. 156 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
253.The far country-Nevil Shute. Ballantine Books U5001. USA. 287 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
254.The far country-Nevil Shute. Dell Books D175. USA. 320 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
255. Point of no return- John P.marquand. Bantam Giant A987. USA. 9th print. March 1949. In exc.cond. 2,50
256. The red and the green- Iris Murdoch. Avon Book V2159. USA. 1965. In exc.condit. 1,50
257.Fiesta-Ernest Hemingway. Great Pan pocket GP90. Uk. 10th. pr. 1965. 189 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
258. Devils Drugs & Doctors-Howard W. Haggard. Pocket Book 379. 1st.print may 1946.
USA. In exc.cond. 1,50
259.Fight against fears-Lucy Freeman. Pocket Books USA. Cardinal edit.C 82. 4th pr. May 1957. 335 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
261. Charlotte Bronte-Priscilla Bailey.. "Women of Renown" series. UK. 1953. Newnes Educ.Publishing Co. In exc.
condition. 1,50
262. A history of courting-E.S.Turner. Ballantine Books F415K. USA. 1954. In nice condit. 1,25
263. The great captains- Henry Treece. Crest Book 265. USA. Jan. 1959. In exc.cond. 1,50
264. Helene-Talbot Mundy. Tandem edition 5194. UK. 1971. In nice cond. 1,=
265.Olympic Cavalcade(an indispersable guidebook to the 1956 Olympiad) - John V.Grombach. Publ.: Ballantine Books. USA. Pocket nr. 161. 1956 . USA. 216 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
267. Montgomery-Alain Moorehead. Four Square Books. nr.101. 2nd.pr. Nov.1958. UK.
In exc. cond. 2,=
268.Freedom road-Howard Fast. Pocket Books Inc. USA. 2nd.pr. febr.1962. In nice cond. 264 pag. 1,50
271. The God that failed-
Andre Gide/Richard Wright/Arthur Koestler/ Stephen Spender/Ignazio
Silone/Louis Fischer. Bantam Book A 1229. 2nd.print march 1954. USA. In exc.condit. 1,25
272. Rosemary's baby-Ira Levin. Fawcett Crest C2498. USA. 1967. In exc.condit. 1,25
273. Shabby tiger-Howard Spring. Phoenix Publ.Co.
Scherz Phoenix Books.
21 extra volume. In exc.
condit. 1,50
274. Pale gray for guilt- John D. MacDonald. Fawcett Gold Medal Book 231-01893- 050. USA. 1968. 1,=
275. Guns and hunting- Pete Brown. Dell Book D155. 1st.print 1955. USA. In exc.condit. 1,50
276. A raft of swords-Duncan Kyle. Fontana Books. UK. 1975. In nice condit. 1,=
277. The empty hours-Ed McBain. Permabook edition. M4271. USA.
June 1963. In exc.cond.
279. Wild,woolly & wicked - Harry Sinclair Drago.
Pocket Book edition nr.7024. USA. 2nd pr. jan.1963. In exc.cond. 1,50
280.The Best of Sci-fi. Edited by:Judith Merril. Publ.:Mayflower Dell. UK. 1963. pocket nr. 0543 B. 384 pag. exc.cond. 2,50
281. Assault on a queen-JackFinney. Dell Books D377. USA. Oct.1960. In exc. condit. 2,=
283. Ivanhoe-Sir Walter Scot. publ.:Longmans, Green and Co. UK. 1949. Soft cover. In exc.condit. 2,=
284.Oil for the lamps of China-Alice Tisdale Hobart. Bantam Book , USA. 2nd pr. jan.1946. 401 pag. In exc.con. 2,=
285. Catch 22-Joseph Heller. Dell book 1120. USA. 17th print. sept. 1966 In exc. cond. 2,=
286. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Translated by
Edward Fitzgerald. Pocket
Book Inc. nr.128. 4th pr.
June 1948. USA. In exc.
condit. 2,=
287. Rebecca-Daphne du Maurier. Pocket Books Inc. nr.205. USA. May 1943. In exc.condit. 1,50
289. On the beach-Nevil
Shute. Pan Books X570.
1966. UK. In exc.condit.
290.Crimson is the eastern shore-Don Tracy. Publ.:Pocket Books Inc. Cardinal Edit.C 127. 1st. pr. 1953. 403 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=
291.The ghost squad-John Gosling. Panther Book Uk. Nov.1961. 159 pag. In nice cond. 2,=
293. The young fur traders-R.M.Ballantyne. Publ.:Collins clear type press. London. UK. 1856.
Hardback. In exc.condit. 12,=
294.The onion eaters-J.P. Donleavy. Dell Book 6643. USA.1st.Dell pr. 1972. 337 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
295.On the beach-Nevil Shute. Signet Books nr.D1562. USA. 1st.pr. Sept.1958. 238 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
296.How to know american mammals-Ivan T.Sanderson. Mentor Book M63. USA. 1st.pr. July 1951. 160 pag. With 183 illustrations. In exc. cond. 2,=
297. The secret ways-
Alistair MacLean. Perm
Book M4169. 2nd.print.
March 1961. In excellent
condit. 1,25
298. Moby Dick-Herman
Melville. Collins Classics nr.581. 1968. Hardback with dustjacket. In excel. condit. 1.50
299. Death of the heart-Elizabeth Bowen. Publ.:Jonathan Cape. UK. 1949. Hardback with dust jacket. In nice condit. 1,50
300. To the north-Elizabeth Bowen. Publ.:Jonathan Cape. UK.1950. Hardback with dust jacket. In exc. condit. 1,50
301. Last september-Elizabeth Bowen.
Hardback with dust jacket. Publ.:Jonathan Cape. UK. 1948. In exc.
condit. 2,=
302. Friends and relations- Elizabeth Bowen. Hardback with dustjacket. Publ.: Jonathan Cape.UK. 1951. In exc.condit. 1,50
303.The hurricane story- Paul Gallico. berkley Medallion Book Y662. 1ste pr. 1959. 143 pag. In exc. cond. 2,50
304.Of human bondage- W.Somerset Maugham. Pocket Book Inc.USA. Giant cardinal Edit. GC 178. 2nd.pr. 1963. 373 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
305. The earthly paradise-C.S.Forester. Mermaid Books.UK. 1st print. 1954. In exc. condition. 1,50
306. Mr.Midshipman Hornblower-C.S.Forester. Mermaid Books. UK. 1st print. 1952. In exc.condit. 1,50
307. The general-C.S. Forester.Mermaid Books UK.1st print. 1953. In exc. condit. 1,50
308. The african queen- C.S. Forester. Mermaid Books.2nd.print. Sept.1953. UK.
In exc.Condit. 1,50
309.Giovanni's room-James Baldwin. Dell pocket 2881. 3rd pr. Dec.1964. USA. 224 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50
310. Galactic cluster-Jjames Blish. Signet Books D2790. 2nd print. 1959. USA. In
excellent condition. 1,50
311.The passion-Roger Manvell. Digit Books pocket nr. G513, Uk. 1960. 320 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50
312. The far country- Nevil Shute. Ballantine Books U5001. 2nd pr. USA. August 1967. In exc. condit. 2,=
313.The other America (Poverty in the United States) -Michael Harrington. Penguin Special S223. 1968.. 186 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
314. Sandi the King Maker-Edgar Wallace. A Digit Book nr.R700. UK. In exc.condit. 1,50
315. A free agent-Frederic
Wakeman. Pocket Books
Inc. M5080. USA. 1963.
In exc.condition. 1,50
316. The golden ones- C.V.Terry. Perma Book M4100. USA.1957. In exc.cond. 1,50
317. The rainbow and the rose- Nevil Shute. Signet Books D 1740. 1st pr. dec.1959. USA. In nice cond. 2,=
319. The chequer board-Nevil Shute. Pan Giant X117. UK. 1962. In exc.cond. 2,=
321. The detective-Roderick.Thorp. Avon N156. 1966. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50
322. Clayhanger-Arnold Bennett. Penguin Books nr. 997. UK. 1954. In exc. cond. 2,=
323. Mildred Pierce-James M.Cain. Pocket Book B30.
1st.edition 1950 UK. In
exc.condit. 2,=
324. The keys of the kingdom-A.J.Cronin. Bantam Book 782. USA May 1950. In exc. condit. 1,50
325. The fire next time James Baldwin. Dell Books 2542. USA august 1964. In exc. cond. 1,=
326. The whispering land- Gerald Durrell. Penguin
book 2063. UK 1964. In
excellent condition. 1,=
327. Tom Merry & Co of
St.Jim's-Frank Richards.
Hardback with dustjacket.
UK.Spring Books,London.
nr.T 497. 1949. In excel.
condition. 2,50
328. Treasure island-Robert Louis Stevenson.
Hardback with dustjacket.
UK. Dean and Son Ltd.
In exc.condit. 2,=
330. The scooter adventure -Stephen Mogridge. Publ.:Thomas Nelson and Son. UK. 1960. Hardback with
dustjacket. In exc.condit.
331. Minor and major-George Mills. Publ.:Spring Books. UK. Fanfare series. Hardback with dustcover. In exc. condit. 5,=
332. Forest doctor (The story of Albert Schweitzer )- Cecil Northcott. Publ.:
Lutterworth Press. UK.
7th print. 1963. Hardback
with dustjacket. In nice
condit. 5,=
333. Rebellion at Priors-Eric leyland. Publ.:Thomas Nelson and Sons. UK. 1957. Hardback with dustjacket. In exc.condit. 4,=
334. Remember the Alamo - Jeff Jeffries. Publ.: Children's Press. UK. Hardback with
dustjacket(-/-). In nice
condition. 4,=
335. Ivanhoe-Sir Walter Scott. Publ.:Dean and Son Ltd. UK. Hardback with dustjacket. In exc.condit. 4,=
336. Around the world in eighty days-Jules Verne. Publ.:Dean and Son Ltd. UK.Hardback with dustjacket.
In exc.condit. 5,=
337. The secret island- John F.C.Westerman. Publ.:Ward Lock and Co. UK. 1959. Hardback with dustjacket.In exc.condit. 7,=
338. Rocky and the lions-R.B.Maddox. Hardback with dust jacket. Publisher: Thomas Nelson and Sons, London,Uk. 1957. In exc. cond. 7,=
341. Blackbird patrol-Andrew Wood. Publ.: Children's Press UK. Hardback with dustjacket. In exc.condit. 6,=
342. Corrigan and the black riders-R.B. Maddock. Publ.:Nelson & Sons,UK. 1957. Hardback with dustjacket. In exc.condit. 8,=
343. Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte. Hardback with dustjacket. Uitg.:Dean & Son,London. 50/60's. In excellent condit. 3,=
344. Ring of bright water-Gavin Maxwell. A Fawcett Crest book nr.T1061. 16th press.
April 1967. USA. In exc.
condit. 1,=
346. Nightrunners of Bengal- John Masters. Penguin Books nr.1076. UK. 1957. In exc. condit. 1,25
347. The devil's advocate -Morris West. Pan Giant.
3rd print,1964. UK. In exc. condition. 1,25
348. The unspeakable Skipton-Pamela Hansford Johnson. Penguin Books
nr.1529. UK. 1961. In
excellent condit. 1,=
349.Island-Aldous Huxley. bantam Book nr.S2695. 2nd.pr. 1963. 295 pag. In exc.cond. 1,50
350. Happy Odyssey-Sir Adam Carton de Wiart.
Pan Books 347. UK. 1955. In exc.condit. 2,=
351. Enemy submarine-Wolfgang Frank. The exploits of the U boot captain who penetrated Scapa Flow. Kimber pocket edit. UK. 1962. In exc. cond. 2,=
352. Howards end- E.M. Foster. Penguin Books 311. UK. 1957. In exc.condit. 1,50
354. Four tragedies-WilliamShakespeare. PocketBooks:Pocket Library PL 30. USA. 1955. In exc.cond. 1,50
356. The fayal decisions-Seymour Freiden and William Richardson. Berkley Books BG121.
USA. May 1958. In exc.
condit. 2,50
357. Escape or die-Paul Brickhill. Great Pan G532.
UK. 1962. In exc.condit.
358. The end of the affair- Graham Greene. Bantam Fifty F2004. 6th pr. Oct.1957. USA. In exc.condit. 1,50
359.Kitty Foyle-Christopher Morleyu. Corgi Books GN958. USA. 1961. 287 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
360. The devil´s advocate - Morris West. Pan Giant X145. 2nd. pr. 1962. UK.In exc.condit. 1,50
361. Children of the sun-Morris West. Great Pan Illustr. G178. 3rd.pr. 1962. UK. In exc.condit. 1,50
362.The Poseidon adventure-Paul Gallico. Dell 7006. USA. Nov. 1970. 312 pag. In exc. cond. 3,=
364. The Chapman report-Irving Wallace. Signet Book T 1935. 14th pr. 1960. USA. In exc.cond. 1,25
365. Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte. Penguin Books nr.960. Printed in the Uk,
1960. In exc.condit. 2,=
366. Wuthering heights- Emily Bronte. Penguin Books nr.524. Printed in the UK 1961. In exc. condit. 2,=
367.Knock on any door-Wilard Motley. Fontana Books. nr.811. Uk. 6th.pr. 1965. 479 pag. In nice cond. 1,50
369. Huntingtower-John Buchan. Hudder and Stoughton,UK. June 1950. In nice condit.
370. The lonely crowd -David Riesman/Nathan Glazer/ Reuel Denney. Doubleday Anchor Book A16. USA. 1953. In exc.cond. 1,50
371. Daughter of silence- Morris L.West. Dell Books 1673. 6th pr. May 1965. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50
372. Mine own executioner - Nigel Balchin. Fontana
Books 295. 1st.pr. 1959.
In exc.condit. 1,50
373. Lust for life-Irving Stone.Pocket Books Inc. USA. Cardinal Edit. C10. 11th.print. Jan.1961. In nice condit. 1,=
374. Mountolive-Lawrence Durrell. Giant Cardinal
Edit. GC112. USA. 2nd.pr.
June 1961. In exc.condit.
375.What Maisie knew- Henry James. Publ.:Doubleday and Co.,USA. Double day Anchor Book A43. 1954. 280 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
376. Airs above the ground- Mary Stewart. Fawcett Crest P2101. USA. 1965. 1st.print. In exc.condit. 1,25
379.Go naked in the world- Tom t.Chamales. Signet Book T 1878. USA. 1st.pr. 1959. 406 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
380.The Kraken Wakes- John Wyndham. Penguin Book 1075. Uk. 8th.pr. 1964. 240 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
381. Rommel-Desmond Young. Fontana Books FB48. UK. 1st pr. 1955. In exc.condit. 2,=
382. The asventures of Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain. Hardback with dustcover. UK. Hamlyn Classics, A Preview publication. In exc.condit. 1,50
383. Killer mine-Hammond
Innes. Fontana Books nr.
906. 1st.print. UK. 1964.
In nice condit. 1,=
384. The offenders-R.H.Ward. Pan Books X502. Uk. 7th pr. 1968.
In exc.condit. 1,50
386.Good-bye to Berlin - Christopher Isherwood. Zephyr Books nr.126. Continental Book Company,Stockholm. 1947. Soft cover with dust jacket. 316 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
387. The end of the affair- Graham Greene. A Bantam seventy five edit. S 3292. 10th pr. April 1967. USA. In exc. cond. 1,50
388. The river line-Charles Morgan. Pan Books 324.
UK. 1955. In exc.condit.
389. Profiles in courage- JohnF.Kennedy. Pocket Books Inc. Cardinal Edit.GC238. 25th pt. Dec.1963. USA.
In exc.condit. 2,=
392. The second victory-Morris West. Great Pan G493. 2nd.pr. 1963. UK. In exc. condit. 1,50
393. The sea around us-Rachel L.Carson. Mentor Book M100. 1st.pr. jan.1954. In exc.condit. 1,50
394. The scarlet pimpernel - Baroness Orczy. Hardcover with dust jacket. Publ.:Hodder &Stoughton.UK. 27th impr. March 1949. Yellow Jacket series. In exc.condit. 2,50
395. Saturday night and sunday morning- Alan Sillitoe. Signet Book D1842. USA. 1st.pr. Sept. 1960. In exc.
condit. 1,75
396. The world of Suzie Wong- Richard Mason. Fontana Books 302. UK. 14th pr. May 1962. In exc.cond. 1,50
399. The Shetland Bus- David Howarth. Fontana Books FB87. 1st.pr. 1955. UK. In exc.condit. 1,75
401.The grapes of wrath- John Steinbeck. Bantam Book USA. 2nd.pr. Jan. 1946. 570 pag. In nice cond. 2,50
402. Exodus-Leon Uris. A Bantam Book S1995. 18th pr. USA. In exc.cond. 1959. 1,50
403. The spanish pimpernel- C.E.Lucas Philis. Great Pan G550. UK. 1960. In
exc.condit. 1,50
404. A tale of two cities- Charles Dickens. Pocket
Books 14. USA. 15th pr.
Dec.1950. In exc. condit.
405.Great american short stories-edited by Wallace and Mary Stegner. Dell Laurel edit.nr.3060. 1st.pr. 1957. USA. 511 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
407.Great science fiction stories-selected by Cordelia Titcomb Smith. Dell pocket 3160. USA. 1st.pr. 1964. 288 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
409.East of Eden-John Steinbeck. Bantam fifty edit. F1267. USA. 2nd.pr. jan.1955. 534 pag. In nice cond. 3,=
410. The world in the evening-Christopher Isherwood.Four Square Books. UK. 1960. In ex.condit. 1,25
411. The ugly American-William J.Lederer and Eugene Burdick. Corgi Books GN919. 1961. UK. In exc. condit. 1,25
414. Because of the cats- Nicolas Freeling. Penguin
crime C2282. UK. 1965.
In exc.condit. 1,25
415. The girls of slender means- Muriel Spark. Penguin Book 2426. UK. 1966. In exc.cond. 1,50
416. Kipps-H.G.Wells.
Fontana Books nr.500.
1st.pr. UK. 1961. In exc.
condit. 2,=
417.His last bow-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Uk. Publ.: John Murray. 19th pr. 1966. 205 pag. Eight cases of Sherlock Holmes. In exc.cond. 2,=
418.Aircraft carrier(what it really was like on the giant Yorktown in the Pacific war)-J.Bryan III. Ballantine Books pocket nr.67. USA. 1st.pr. 1954. 205 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50
419. Uhuru-Robert Ruark. Crest Book M624. 1st.pr. June 1963. In exc.condit. 1,50
420. The year's best S-F:6th Annual edition. Dell book 9772. USA. June 1962. In exc. condit. 1,=
421.The Hugo Winners. Nine prize winning science fiction stories. edited by:Isaac Asimov. Avon pocket nr.S127. USA. 1st.pr. 1962. 320 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
422. Glory thrown in-Eric Lambert. Corgi Book GB 7525. UK. 2nd.pr. 1966. In exc.cond. 1,50
423.The High and the mighty -Ernest K.Gann. Publ.:Perma Books nr.M 4002. 4th.pr. febr.1955. USA. 287 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
424. Cast a yellow shadow-Ross Thomas. Avon Book S367. USA. 1967. In exc.condit. 1,=
425. China strike-William
Chamberlain. A Fawcett
Gold medal book. USA.
1967. In nice condit. 1,=
426. Damon Runyon favorites. Pocket Book
edition nr.158. USA.
18th. print. Juky 1945.
In nice cond. 1,=
428. A deadly shade of gold-john D. MacDonald.
Fawcett Gold Medal M2557. 1st.pr. 1965 USA. In exc.cond. 1,25
429.Goldfinger-Ian Fleming. Pan Books nr.X238. UK. 13th.pr. 1964. 223 pag. In exc. cond. 2,50
430.Lady killer-William Hardy. Dell pocket nr.995. 1st.pr. Nov.1958. 160 pag. In exc.cons. 2,=
431. Death of a pusher-
Richard Deming. Pocket
Cardinal edition 35011. 1st.print. USA, July 1964.
In exc.cond. 1,25
432.Landfall-Nevil Shute. Lancer pocket nr.72-632. USA. 1st.pr. 191 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
433. The green Berets-
Robin Moore. Avon N128.
17th print. April 1966. In
nice cond. 1,=
434. The high crusade- Poul Anderson.Macfadden MDBook 60-349. 2ndprint.
Sept. 1968. USA. In exc.
condit. 1,=
435. Homicide west- Samuel A.Krasney.
Pocket Book edit. 6140.
1st. print. 1962. USA. In
exc.cond. 1,50
437. The confidential agent-Graham Greene.
Penguin Pocket nr.1895.
UK. 3rd.pr. 1967. In
exc.cond. 1,=
438. The moonbeams- R.
Vernon Beste. Lancer Books 72-733. USA. 1964. In exc.cond. 1,50
439. Murder is for keeps-
Peter Chambers. Monarch
Books 428. USA. 1964.
Cover by Lou Marchetti.
In exc.cond. 1,50
440.Gay american history(lesbians and gay men in the USA)- jonathan Katz. Avon Discus edit.nr.40550. 1978. 1063 pag. In exc. cond. 3,=
441. North Cape-Joe Poyer. Sphere Books. UK. 1973. In exc.cond. 1,25
443. Rogues gambit-Alan
Gaillou. Panther Book. UK.May 1961. In nice cond. 1,50
444.Lawrence of Arabia- Richard Aldington. Four square Books nr.3. Uk. 2nd.pr. May 1958. 416 pag. In nicde cond. 2,=
445.The left hand of God (How could he explain that he was not a priest)- William E.Barrett. Pocket Books Inc. nr.924. 2nd.pr. April 1953. 261 pag. In nice cond. 2,=
447. Trap for Cinderella-
Sebastian japrisot. Pocket Cardinal edition 50145.
1st. June 1965. USA. In
exc.cond. 1,=
448. Mysterious Mickey
Finn-Elliot Paul. Collier
Books A5244X. USA. 1962. In exc.condit. 1,=
449. Hanno's doll-Evelyn
Piper. Crest Book K742.
USA. August 1964. In nice condition. 0,75
450. The story of my life-
Helen Keller. UK. 1959.
Hodder & Stoughton. In
exc. condition. 1,25
451. The golden jungle/Richard Newhafer. A Signet Novel T3650. 1st.pr. Nov.1968. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50
452. Snowflake-Paul Gallico. Hard cover with
dust jacket. Publisher: Michael Joseph,London UK. 19th print, march 1957. Autographed by Paul Gallico.Decorations:
David Knight.In exc. cond. 4,=
453. Profiles in courage-
John F.Kennedy. Foreword:Robert F. Kennedy. Publ.:Hamish
Hamilton,London UK.
1964. in exc. condit. 1,25
454. Black Beauty-Anna
Sewell. With dustjacket.
With 8 colourplates and
many line drawings by:
Lucy Kemp Welch. Publ.:
Dent & Sons,UK. 1963.
In nice condit. 2,=
456.(The Pocket Book of)Greek Art-Thomas Craven. Publ.:Pocket Books Inc.,USA. nr.677. 1st.pr. 1950. 120 pag. with 32 gravure illustrations. Exc. cond. 2,50
457.The lost Pharaohs- Leonard Cottrell. Great Pan pocket nr.GP 54. UK. 1st.Pan pr. 1956. 219 pag. In exc. cond. 2,=
458. A farewell to Arms -Ernest Hemingway, Penguin Books. UK. 1958. In nice cond. 1,=
459.Lust for life vol.II(a novel of Vincent van Gogh)-Irving Stone. Zephyr Books pocket nr.168. Continental Book Company Stockholm/London .
Soft cover with dustjacket. Printed in Holland by Elco. 256 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
460.Love letters-Chris Massie. Bantam pocket nr.54. 1st.pr. Sept. 1946. USA. 295 pag. In nice cond. 2,=
461.The rainbow and the rose-Nevil Shute. Signet Book D 1740. USA. 1st.pr. 1959. 223 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
462. Battle cry-Leon Uris. Bantam 60 pocket nr.H2428. 23rd pr. Sept. 1961. USA. In niice cond. 1,=
463.The return of Sherlock Holmes-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Publ.:John Murray,London,Uk. 1960. 316 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=
464.The Penguin Charles Addams. Penguin Books pocket nr.1845. 1962. Uk. Filled with cartoons. Exc.cond. 2,=
465.The adventures of Hiram Holliday-Paul Gallico. Penguin pocket nr.2755. Uk. 1st.Peguin pr. 1967. 221 pag. Nice cond. 1,50
466.The Saint steps in-Leslie Charteris. Publ.:Hodder and Stoughton,London,Uk. Yellow Jacket. 7th pr. 1953. 191 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50
467.The scource of the Swastika -Lord Russell of Liverpool. Publ.:Ballantine Books nr. F358K. 5th pr. Nov.1957. 244 pag. 2,50
471.Murder in the cathedral-T.S.Eliot. Publ.: Paul Brans,Bussum, Holland. Yellow series nr.1, 1951. 88 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50
472. Davy-Edgar Pangborn. Ballantine books U6018. 1st.print. 1964.
USA. In exc.cond. 1,50
473.Peyton Place-Grace Metalious. Pan Books pocket nr.K35. Uk. 16th pr. 1965. 379 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50
474. Brighton rock- Graham Greene. Penguin Books nr.442. 9th print. 1960. Uk. In exc.condit. 1,25
476. The third man- Graham Greene. Yellow series nr.2. UK. 1971.
In exc.condit. 1,50
477.The last frontier- Howard Fast. Penguin Book pocket nr. 904. Uk. 1st.Penguin pr. 1953. 240 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
478. Backlash-Morris L.
West. Pocket Books Inc.
nr.50057. USA. 2nd.print.
1964. In exc.cond. 1,25
480.More stories in the modern manner(from the Partisan Review). 14 authors. Avon pocket nr.T 77. USA. 252 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50
482. Eichmann(The man and his crime)-Comer Clarke. Ballantine Books
F424K. 1st.print. 1960. USA. In exc.condit. 1,50
483. Inside Russia today- John Gumther. Pyramis Books N766.
Revised edition august 1962. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50
484. The enchanted cup-
Dorothy James Roberts.
A Bantam Giant A1319.
2nd edit. April 1955. In
exc.condit. 1,50
485. Seven pillars of wisdom-T.E.Lawrence.
Dell Laurel edit. LY111.
March 1962. In nice condit. 1,=

486.Langenscheidt's German-English/English -German dictionary. Washington Square Press Book pocket nr.W611. Usa. 4th pr. June 1962. 526 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
487. Airs above the ground-Mary Stuart. UK. Publ.: Hodder & Stoughton. Paperback edit.1967. In exc.cond. 1,25
488. The end of the affair
-Graham Greene. penguin
Books nr.1785. UK. 1st.
print. 1962. In exc.cond.
489. Bar the doors-Alfred
Hitchcock. Great tales of
terror by masters of the
macabre nr.13. Dell Books nr.0436. 2nd.print.
USA. April 1962. In exc.
condit. 1,50
490.The ship-C.S. Forester. Penguin Books nr.698. Uk. Reprint 1961. 188 pag. In exc.cons. 2,=
491. The secret ways- Alistair MacLean. Fontana Books. UK. 1961. In nice cond. 1,25
492. The high and the
mighty-Ernest Gann.
Publ.:Hodder & Stoughton.UK. August 1956. In exc.condit. 2,=
493. The high and the
mighty-Ernest K.Gann.
Perma Books M 4002.
2nd.print. dec.1954. In
exc.condit. 2,=
495. Beware the curves (A Donald Lam/Bertha Cool Mystery)-A.A.Fait (now known to be Erle Stanley Gardner. Corgi
Books SC 828. 2nd. print.
UK. 1960. In exc. cond.1,50
496. The big show-Pierre
Clostermann. Penguin Books nr.1284. Uk.
1958. Cover:David Kaplan. In exc.cond. 2,=
497. Claudius the God-
Robert Graves. Penguin Book nr.421. 2nd.print.
1956. UK. In exc.cond.
501.The sign of four-Sir Arthur Conen Doyle. A Sherlock Holmes mystery. Publ.:John Murray. Uk. 18th impr. 1962. 144 pag. In nice cond. 2,=
502. Marked for murder-
John Ross Macdonald.
Pocket Book 6030. 2nd
pr. August 1960. USA.
In exc.cond. 1,50
503. The ministry of fear-
Graham Greene. Penguin Book nr.1897. 2nd.pr. 1965. UK. In exc.cond. 1,25
504.Soldiers of fortune-Ernest Gann. Publ.: Hodder & Stoughton, Uk. 3rd Impr. April 1955. Hard cover with dust jacket. 255 pag. Exc.cond. 5,=
508. Joy and Josephine- Monica Dickens. Penguin Books 1168. 4th pr. 1965.
UK. In exc.cond. 1,50
509. The removers-Donald Hamilton. A Matt
Helm story. Gold Medal
Book. K1336. 2nd.pr.
Aug.1963. USA. In exc.
cond. 1,25
511. Slaugjhter street- Louis Falstein. Panther Book 1211. May 1961.
UK. In nice cond. 1,50
512.Slide rule-Nevil Shute. Ballantine Books nr.U5006. 1st.Ball.pr. nov.1964. 224 pag. USA. In exc,cond. 2,=
514.The spanish bride-Georgette heyer. Pan Books nr.M49. Uk. 5th pr. 1967. 366 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
516.Stamboul train-Graham Greene. Penguin Book nr,.1898. Reprint:1964. 221 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=
517. A daughter of the legion-Violet M.Methley.
Publ.:Cassell and Co.,
London,Uk. 1924. Hard cover. In exc.condit.
518. Going to meet the man-James Baldwin. Dell
Books nr.2931. 2nd.print.
1966. USA. In exc.condit.

519.Stephen Morris-Nevil Shute. Lancer Books 73-435. 1965. USA. 220 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

520. The Saint steps in - Leslie Charteris. Publ.:Hodder&Stought.
UK. 2nd.pr. 163. In nice
cond. 1,25
522.The stories of flying officer X-H.E.Bates. Corgi Books SN1188. 1962. UK.
126 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=
523.The story of Ernie Pyle -Lee G.Miller. Bantam Giany A 1098. 2nd.pr. August 1953. USA. 390 pag. Nice.cond. 2,=
525.The story of the Bible- Hendrik van Loon. Perma Special P201S. 1st.Perma edit. 1953. 448 pag. Exc. cond. 2,=

527. We of the Never Never-Mrs.Aeneas Gunn. Publ.:Hutchin son & Co. Hard back with dust jacket. A
Hutchinson Juvenile.
In nice condit. 6,=

528.Melbourne(the young Melbourne and Lord M. in one volume)-David Cecil. Publ.:The Reprint Society,London,Uk. 1955. Hardback with dustjacket. 394 pag. Illustr. Exc.cond. 2,50

529. Call of the wild-
Jack London. Publ.:
Grosset & Dunlap, USA. Hard back with dust jacket . In exc. cond. 10,=
530. Battle cry-Leon Uris. A Bantam Fifty. F1279. bantam 2nd.pr. oct.1954. USA. In nice cond. 2,=

531. The blinded soldiers and sailors gift book-George Goodchild. Publ.Jarrold & Sons,London. 1915. Hard cover. 231 pages. 19x25 cm. In nice condition. 8,=
 532. The Lockwood Concern-john O'Hara. Signet Books Q2876. 1st.pr. nov.1966. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

534. Our man in Havana-Graham Greene. Penguin Book nr.1790. UK. 1965. In
exc.cond. 1,50

535. Face in the Abyss- A.Merritt. Avon pocket nr. T161. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

536. The blue ice - Hammond Innes. Fontana Books 16. 1st.Fontana pr. 1954. In nice cond. 2,=

537.A tale of two cities- Charles Dickens. Cardinal edit.C 35. Pockets Books. USA. 3rd.pr. 1953. 470 pag. Nice cond. 2,=

538.Satan never sleeps- Pearl S.Buck. Pocket Books:Cardinal edition C 429. 1962. 152 pag. Exc. cond. 2,50

540. Fool the toff- Creasy. Publ.:Hodder & Stoughton. Yellow Jacket series. UK. 1954. In exc.cond. 3,=

543. In face of the verdict-
john Rhode. Crime Club series nr.113c. Publ.: Collins
London,UK. 4th.pr. Jan.1940. In nice cond. 1,50

544. God's men-Pearl S. Buck. Pocket Books Inc. nr.C114. Cardinl edit. 2nd.pr. oct.1953. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

545.A thing of beauty-A.J. Cronin. Bantam fifty edit. F1624. USA. 1st.Bantam edit. 1957. 345 pag. Exc. cond. 2,=
549.Tom Jones-Henry Fielding. Edited by:W. Somerste Maugham. Pan Books M27. 1963. Uk. 420 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

550. Biggles delivers the goods-captain W.E. Johns. publ.: Noordhoff, Groningen / Djakarta. 1953. Soft cover. In exc.cond. 4,=
551. Mr.grex of Monte Carlo-
E.Phillips Oppenheim. Series:
Methuen's Sixpennies. 1939.
UK. In nice cond. 2,50

552. Love Roger-Charles Webb. Bantam Book N5401. June 1970. USA. In exc.cond. 1,25

553. The Saint closes the case-Leslie Charteris. Publ.: Hodder&Stoughton, UK. 1951. Yellow Jacket series. In exc. cond. 5,=

554. The Saint goes west - Leslie Charteris. Publ.:Hodder&Stoughton.
UK. 1951. Yellow Jacket series. In nice cond.

555. The Saint's getaway-
Leslie Charteris. Publ.: Hodder&Stoughton. UK. 1950. Yellow Jacket series. In exc,cond, 5,=

556. All this and a medal too-Tim Carew.
Corgi Books GB 779. UK. 2nd.edit. 1960. In exc.cond. 2,=

558.Outside the universe -Edmond Hamilton. Publ.:Ace Books Inc. Science Fiction Classic nr.F271. 1st.pr. 1964. 173 pag. Exc. cond. 2,50

559.Tortilla Flat-Jhn Steinbeck. Zephyr Books nr.7. Publ.: Continental Book Company, Stockholm/London. Soft cover with dust jacket. 192 pag. 1949. In exc.cond. 2,=

560. A bullet in tyhe ballet-Caryl brahms and S.J.Simon. Penguin Books 377. UK.
3rd.pr, 1946. In exc.cond. 1,50

561. Campbell's kingdom-Hammond Innes. Fontana Books. 1st,issue 1956. In nice cond. 2,=

562.Buried clock-Erle Stanley Gardner. A Perry Mason story. Pocket Books Inc. nr.678. 5th pr. Sept. 1950. USA. In nice cond. 1,50

563.Cats prowl at night- A.A. Fair(Erle Stanley Gardner). Dell Book 899. USA. 1956. 224 pag. Exc. cond. 2,50

566. Coromandel-John Masters. A Bantam Fifty book nr.F1416. 1st.edit. Jan.1956. In exc.cond. 2,=

568.Cannery Row-John Steinbeck. Bantam Classic pocket nr.HC4001. 20th.pr. USA. 123 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50

569.Hell is my destination (no holds barred when a cop searches for the killer of his son)-John Conway. Publ.: Star Books,Australia. 1st.edit of a reprint. Late sixties. 160 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

570. Christ stopped at Eboli-Carlo Levi. Penguin Books 656. 1st. pr. Jan.1948. In exc.cond. 1,50

571.The air-conditioned nightmare-Henry Miller. Avon pocket nr.V 2038. USA. 255 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

572.The troubled air-Irwin Shaw. Signet Giant pocket nr.S 931. 1st.pr. 1952. USA. 352 pag. In nice cond. 2,=

573.Trustee from the toolroom-Nevil Shute. Signet 60c book. USA. 1st.pr. 1961. 224 pag. Exc. cond. 2,=

574.In this corner-Terry Leigh_Lye. The fantastic world of boxing by one of the ablest commentators. Mayflower/Dell pocket 4036. 1st.pr.1963. USA. 127 pag. Illustr.with photos.. Exc.cond. 2,=

575.Going to meet the man
-James baldwin. Dell 2931.
2nd.Dell pr. Sept.1966. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

576. Four Just Men- Edgar Wallace. Pan Books nr.142. UK. 1950. In exc.cond. 2,=

578. HMS Ulysses- Alistair MacLean. Fontana Books 253. 1st.Fontana issue 1960. UK. In exc.cond. 2,=

579. Jamaica Inn- Daphne du Maurier. Pocket Book nr. 155.908.204. 2nd.Pocket Book issue. oc.1946. USA. In nice cond. 2,50

580.Upon this rock-Frank C.Slaughter. Pocket Books nr.75036. USA. 1st.pr. 1964. 293 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=

583.The Mod Squad:The greek god affair-Richard Deming. Publ.:Pyramid Books. A Pyramid Mystery. nr.X2319. 160 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

584. Susan rushes in- Jane Shaw. Hard cover with dust jacket. Publ.:
The Children's Press, London. In exc.cond. 3,50

585. The masters/C.P. Snow. Penguin Books nr.1089. UK. 1959. In exc. cond. 1,25

586.View from the air-Hugh Fosburgh. Bantam Giant pocket nr.A1355. USA. 3rd.pr. 1955. 213 pag. In nice cond. 2,=

587. Of human bondage/ W.Somerset Maugham.
Pocket Books Inc. C63. A Cardinal Edit. 2nd.pr. Febr. 1953. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

588. O´Henry´s New York-Selected by J.Donald Adams. A Premier Book R235. Second Premiet printing. July 1964. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

589.The virgin soldiers- Leslie Thomas. Pan Books pocket nr.330201913. UK. 6th pr. 1969. 205 pag. Exc. cond. 2,=

591. The prize-Irving Wallace. Signet Q2305. USA. 1962. In exc.cond. 1,50

592. Prester John- John Buchan. Penguin 1138. 1956. UK. In exc.cond. 1,25

593. Stamboul train- Grham Greene. Penguin 1898. UK. 1963. In nice cond. 1,=

595. This side of innocence -Taylor Caldwell. Fontana Books 21. 1st.Fontana issue 1954. UK. In nice cond. 1,25

597. Trustee from the toolroom-Nevil Shute. Signet P2016. 1st.pr. July 1961. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

598. The Toff and the Curate-John Creasy. Jay Suspense Books nr.68. UK. 1959. Printed in the Netherlands. In exc.cond. 2,=

599. Unnatural death- Dorothy L.Sayers. Publ.: Victor Gollancz. hard cover with dustjacket. 12th.impr. Aril 1956. UK. In exc.cond. 3,=

600.The wayward bus-John Steinbeck. Bantam Book nr.752. 3rd.large pr. 1950. USA. 246 pag. In nice cond. 2,=

601.The lost queen-Norah Lofts. Fawcett Crest Book nr. M1398. USA. April 1970. 283 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

602. Kennedy-Theodore C. Sorensen. Bantam 95 pocket N3377. Sept..1966.
USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

603. Nights of love and laughter-henry Miller.
Signet Books `1246. 1st. print. Nov.1955. In exc.cond. 2,=

604. From log cabin to White House-William M. Thayer. The story of president Garfiled's life. Publ.S.W.Partridge & Co,
London. 1920. Hard civer. In exc. condit. 7,=

606. The heart of the matter-Graham Greene. publ.:William Heinemann, London. Star editions nr.62. 1954. Soft cover with dust jacket. In nice cond. 2,=

608. Love is eternal-Irving Stone. Uitg.: Pocket Books Inc. A Cardinal Giant GC 32.
2nd.pr. April 1956. USA. In nice ,cond. 2,=

609. The man who had everything-Louis Bromfield. publ.:The Albatros,Hamburg. 1936. In nice cond. 2,=

610. Oliver Twist-Charles Dickens. A Washington Square Book W 273. USA. 1961. In exc.cond. 2,=

611. My turn to take the tea- Monica Dickens. A Penguin Book nr.1751. 2nd.pr. 1963. UK. In exc.cond. 1,50

612. The Manor-Isaac Bashevis Singer. Dell book 5274. Nov.1969. USA. In nice cond. 1,=

613. The man who knew Kennedy-Vance Bourjaily. Bantam Book N3674. jan.1968. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

614.The listening walls- Margaret Millar. Corgi Books pocket nr.SC1048. Transworld Publishers. Uk. 1st.Corgi edit. 1961. 188 pag. Exc.cond.3,=

615. One pair of hands- Monica Dickens. Penguin Book 1535.
3rd.pr. 1964. UK. In exc.cond.

616. One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Bantam Book N4639. 22nd.pr. 1973. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

617. Only in America- Harry Golden. foreword: Carl Sandburg. Perma Book M5011. 4th pr. July 1959. USA. In nice cond. 1,50

618. The promise-Chaim potok. A Fawcett Crest Book P1449. 1st.pr. 1969. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

619. pavillion of women- pearl S.Buck. Pocket Book 642. 4th pr. June 1950. USA. In nice cond. 2,=

620. Thw quiet American -Graham Greene. publ.: William Heinemann Nederland. 5th pr. Nov.1961. In exc. cond. 2,50

621. the razor's edge-W. Somerset Maugham. Pocket Book nr.418. 3rd pr. nov.1946. USA. in exc.cond. 2,50

622. The strange case of miss Annie Spragg-Louis Bromfield. Penguin Book nr.19. 2nd.pr. 1959. UK. in exc. cond. 2,=

623. Take three tenses- Rumer godden. Avon book 28167. 1 Avon st.pr. August 1976. In exc.cond. 1,50

625. The Winthrop woman-Anya Seton. Hodder paperback edit. nr.540. 4th pr. 1967. UK.
In exc.cond. 1,50

626.Dior by Dior. Peguin Books nr.1301. UK. 1958. Autobiography of Chrisian Dior. 190 pag. illustr.with photo's. In exc. cond. 3,=

627. Kenilworth-Sir Walter Scott. publ.:Collins,Uk. Series:Collins pocket classics nr.2. Hard cover with dustjacket. 1949. In exc.cond. 3,=

628. Rob Roy-Sir Walter Scott. Publ.:Collins,Uk. Series:Collins pocket classics nr.139. hard cover with dustjacket. In exc.cond. 4,=

629. The master of Ballantrae-R.L. Stevenson. Publ.:Oxford University Press,Uk. Series:The World Classics nr.441. 1941. hard cover with dustjacket. In nice cond. 3,=

631. To a God unknown-John Steinbeck. Corgi Books S487.
Publ.:April 1958. 2nd.pr. UK. In exc.cond. 3,=

632. The cruel sea- Nicholas Monsarrat. Publ.:Pocket Books inc. A Cardinal edit. GC-10. 2nd.pr. Nov.1953. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

633. The rains came- Louis Bromfield. Signet Double volume 904AB. 1st.print. Nov.1951. USA. In nice cond. 2,50

634. The pocketbook of O.Henry(30 of his finest short stories)-Edited by Harry Hansen. Pocket Book 510. 2nd.pr. Nov. 1948. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

635.The wooden horse(The great escape story)-Eric Williams. Fontana Books pocket nr.2. Uk. 3rd.pr. 1956. 256 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

636. The end of the affair-Graham Greene. publ.:Penguin Books nr.1785. UK. 1962. In exc.cond. In exc.cond. 1,50

637. A face in the crowd- Budd Schulberg. Bantam Book A 1635. 2nd.pr. June 1957. USA. In nice cond. 1,25

638.Camp Fire Songs. Publ.:Girl Guides Association. UK. 40 pag. Soft cover. Sheet music. Exc.cond. 1,50

640. Moon spinners- Mary Stewart. Crest Book R717. 4th pr. Febr. 1965. In exc. cond. 1,50

641. Ring of bright water- Gavin Maxwell. Pan Books M36. 3rd.pr. 1964. UK. In exc.cond. 1,50
642. Hitler directs his war- felix Gilbert. Award Books A8530. USA. 1960. In nice cond. 1,50

643. This rough magic- Mary Stewart. A Fawcett Crest Book T837. 3rd.pr. March 1966. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

645. The price-Irving Wallace. Signet Book Q2305. 1st.pr. June 1963. USA. In exc.cond. 2,=

646.There was an old woman-Ellery Queen. Pocket Book edit.nr.326. 3rd.PB pr. march 1946. USA. 229 pag. In nice cond. 2,50

648. Believe it or not- Robert Ripley. Pocket Books Inc. nr.96. 21st.pr. febr.1945. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

649. The prince and the pauper-Mark Twain. Signet Books CP 447. USA. 1964. In exc.cond. 1,50

650.The politician-Stephen and Ethel Longstreet. Popular Library SP58.USA. 2nd.pr. April 1959. 316 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

651.The Young Lions- Irwin Shaw. Signet Double Volume pocket nr.D817. USA. 621 pag. 6th.pr. 1956. In exc.cond. 2,50

652. The greatest race in the world-J.R.L. Anderson.Solo across the Atlantic. Hodder & Stoughton UK. 1964. In nice cond. 1,25

653.The Zolotov Affair- Robert H.Rimmer. bantam Book pocket nr.N3687. USA. 1st.Bantam impr. 1968. 250 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

654.American diplomacy 1900-1950 -George F. Kennan. Mentor Book pocket nr.M80. USA. 1st.pr. Dec. 1952. 144 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

655.Young Renny-Mazo de la Roche. Pan Books pocket nr.65. Uk. A Whiteoak novel. 3rd.pr. 1953. 254 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

656. Death in the stocks- Georgette Heyer. Penguin Books nr.378. 2nd.pr. 1950. In exc.cond. 2,=

857. The Phantom fleet- A.Cecil Hampshire . Kimber pocket edit. Uk. 1960. In exc.cond. 2,50

858.Why Johnny can't read(and what to do about it)-Riudolf Fleischer. Publ.: Perennial Library. nr.P88B. 1st.edit.of a reprint. 1966. 208 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

659. A to Z London atlas and index-Geographers Map Co. , Sevenoaks Kent. UK. 1970. In exc.cond. 1,50

660. Biggl;es and Company-Captain W.E. Johns. Publ.: Meulenhoff, Amsterdam. 1966. 6th pr. In exc. cond. 2,=

661. G.I.Joe-Ernie Pyle. Compilation of:Here is your war/Brave men. Publ.:Henry Holt and Co.,New York. 1944. In exc.cond. 4,=

662. The girls of slender means-Muriel Spark. Publ.:Macmillan & Co, London. 1963. 1st.pr. Hard cover with dust jacket. In exc.cond. 4,=

663. Combat(the war with Japan)Don Congdon. Intro by Richard Tregaskis. Publ.:Dell. 1st.edit. nr. 1382. USA 1962. In exc,cond. 2,50

664. So immortal a flower- Cecile Roberts.
Ljus English library volume 34. Sweden 1945. Soft cover with dust jacket. In exc.cond. 2,50

665.Sex and repression in savage society-Bronislaw Malinowski. Meredian Books pocket nr.M15. USA. 1st.pr. 1955. 251 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50

666. The english novel-Walter Allen. Penguin Books,UK. A Pelican Book A 435. 1963. In exc.cond. 1,50

667. Childhood is a time of innocense-Joan Walsh Anglund. Publ.:Collins,London.
1st.pr. 1965. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc.cond. 2,=

668. Love is a special way of feeling-Joan Walsh Anglund. Publ.: Collins,London. 13th.pr. 1970. In exc.cond. 1,50

669. POPism:The Warhol '60s-Andy Warhol and Pat Hackett. Hard cover with dust jacket. Publ.:Hutchinson UK 1981. 310 pages. In exc.cond. 6,=

671.The lonely crowd(a study of the changing american charac- ter)-David Riesman/Nathan Glazer/Reuel Denney. Double-day Anchor Book pocket nr.A16. USA. 2nd.pr. 1953. 359 pag. Exc. cond. 2,50

672. The sea around us- Rachel L.Carson. A Mentor Book M100. USA. 1st pr. 1954. In exc. cond. 2,=

673.Sanctuary-William Faulkner. Penguin Books nr.632. USA. 4th pr. Oct.1947. 188 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=

675. South moon under- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. Bantam Books nr.10. USA. 2nd.pr. Jan.1946. In exc. cond. 2,50

676. Soul sister-Grace Halsell. Fawcett Crest Book pocket nr.M1498. 1 st.pr. USA. 1970. 224 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=

677. A passage to India- E.M.Forster. Penguin Books nr.574. USA. 1st.pr. 1946. In exc.cond. 2,50

678.Other voices other rooms-Truman Capote. Signet Books pocket nr.700. 3rd.pr. July 1949. USA. 142 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50

679. The river line-Charles Morgan. Pan Books nr.324. UK. 1st.edit. 1955. In exc. cond. 2,50

680. Enemy coast ahead- Guy Gibson V.C. Pan Books nr.GP 28. UK. 1st.edit. 1955. In exc.cond. 2,50

681. Clear the decks-rear admiral Daniel V.Gallery. Panther Books nr.802. 1st.pr. 1958. UK. In exc. cond. 2,50

682.The sound of thunder -Taylor Caldwell. Bantam Books pocket nr.S1879. USA. 1st.Bantam pr. Nov. 1959. 570 pag. In exc.cond. 2,50

683.Carla-Helga Moray. Publ.:Belmont Books,USA. 1st.edit.of a reprint. 1966. 222 pag. pocket book. Exc.cond. 2,50

686. The golden rendez vous-Alistair maclean. Fontana Books. UK. 1st.pr. 1964. In nice cond. 1,50

687. The good earth- Pearl S. Buck. Pocket Books Inc. USA. A Cardinal edit. C 111. 12th pr. March 1960. In exc.cond. 2,=

688.Tell me Another. A collection of humorous scottish stories with illu strations. Publ.:J.B. White,Dundee,Uk. Soft cover. 32 pag. In exc.cond. 1,50

689. The good shepherd- C.S.Forrester. A Bantam Giant. A1587. USA. March 1957. In exc.cond. 1,50

690. Great american short stories-Wallace and Mary Stegner. Dell books. USA. Laurel edit. LC 103. 1957. In exc.cond. 2,=

694. Sea surgeon-James Hall o.b.e. Kimber Pocket edit. 3rd.edit. august 1961. UK. In exc.cond. 2,=

695. So disdained-Nevil Shute. Pan Books 330 10478 0. UK. 7th pr. 1969. In exc. cond. 1,50

696. The ugly american- William J.Lederer and Eugene Burdick. corgi Book GN 7320. UK. 1966. In exc.cond. 1,50

697. The unknown Ajax- Georgette heyer. Ace Star Book. 1966. USA. In nice cond. 1,=

699. Where love has gone- Harold Robbins. pocket Books Inc. USA. Giant Cardinal edit. GC 784. 1st.pr. 1963. In exc.cond. 1,50

700. Young mrs.Savage- D.E.Stevenson. Fontana Books 1597. UK. 4th impr. June 1967. In exc.cond. 1,50

701. The qiuet american- Graham greene. Bantam Books A1669. USA. Oct. 1957. In exc.cond. 2,=

702. An old captivity- Nevil Shute. Pan Books 330 10419 5. UK. 3rd pr. 1969. In exc.cond. 1,50

703. The shepherd- Frederick Forsyth. Bantam Book. USA. Sept.1976. In exc.cond. 1,=

706. The King's choice ( My lady of Cleves)- Margaret Campbell Barnes. Dell Book nr. 563. USA. 1st.pr. 1946. In exc. cond. 2,=

707. Three men in a boat- Jerome K.jerome. Penguin Books 1213. 1961. UK. In exc. cond. 1,50

708. The case of the howling dog- Erle Stanley Gardner. Pocket Books 35072. USA. 25th pt. Nov.1966. In exc. cond. 1,50

709. Readings (english as a second language). 288 pages. Publ.:Uitg. Mij. The Reader's Digest, A'dam. 1969. Soft cover. In exc.cond. 1,50

710. Lost horizon-James Hilton. Publ.:P.Noordhoff ,Groningen. 1961. 2nd.edit. Soft cover. 105 pages. In exc.cond. 2,=

711.Nebula Award Stories (science fiction)-Edited by Damon Knight. Pocket Books nr.75275. 1st.PB pr. nov.1967. 244 pag. USA. Exc.cond. 2,=

712. The Isle of Wight. 12 colour views. Published by W.J.Nigh & Sons Ltd, Ventnor ,I.W. printed by: Jarrold & Sons Ltd., Norwich,Uk. In exc.cond. 3,=

713. English trough pictures-I.A.Richards. A self teaching way into english. Continental edit. Pocket Book 299. USA. 9th print. 1950. In exc.cond. 1,50

714. gallows on the sand- Morris L.West. A Mayflower Dell paperback. UK. 1964. In nice cond. 1,=

716. The Ambassador-- Morris L.West. Dell Book 0097. USA. 4th pr. April 1966. In exc.cond. 1,25

717. Travels with Charley- john Steinbeck. publ.:Penguin Book. 1986. USA. In exc.cond. 1,50

719. The Americas-L.W. Lyde. Publ.:Adam and Charles Black,London. 1st.print. 1904. Elementary Geography Reader Vc. 188 pages + 8 pages Publisher's information. In nice cond. 5,=

720. The bridge at Andau - James A.Michener. Publ.;Fawcett Crest 2-3863-6. USA. 1957. In nice cond. 1,50

721.Projects:Space-Judith Viorst. Publ.:Washington Square Press nr.W 300. 2nd.pr. March 1962. USA. 221 pag. Exc.cond. 3,50

722. Healthy babies are happy babies-Josephine Hemenway Kenyon and Ruth Kenyon Russell. Child care:an up to date patents guide. Publ.: Signet booksnr.795. USA. 1st.pr. June 1950. In ezx.cond. 2,=

723. The world the flesh and Father Smith-Bruce Marshall.
Revelations of a modern priest. Publ.:Bantam Book 84. USA. 1st.pr. 1947. In nice cond. 1,50

724. The personal history of David Copperfield-Charles Dickens. Publ.: Westminster Press UK. 1st.pr. ca.1911. Hard cover. Illustr.in colour by Frank Reynolds. 572 pages. in exc.cond. 15,=

725. Sunday 1900 (Reading for the young). Hard cover. 412 pages. Illustr.:Gordon Browne,H.G. Walker,W.H.C.Groome,helen Miles,G.W.Rhead,Charles Robinson. Publ.:Wells gardner,darton & Co's,Uk. In nice cond. 9,=

726. The orphans of Simitra-Paul Jacques Bonzon. Publ.: Unoversity of London Press Ltd. 1957. Translation from the French:Thelma Niklaus. Illustr.:A. Chazelle. Hard cover with dustjacket. 142 pgs. In exc. cond. 2,=

727. Blue two...bale out- Leuf Hamke. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd. 1961. Tranl. from Norwegian by Evelyn Ramsden. Illustr.:Arne Johnson. 123 pages. Hard cover with dustjacket. In exc.cond. 3,=

728. The girl from nowhere-Hertha von Gebhardt. Publ.: University of Lodon Press Ltd. 1958. Tran- lated from german by James Kirkup. Illustr.:Helen Brun. 176 pages. Hard cover with dustjacket. In exc.cond. 2,=

729.Travels in North Queensland-Jean Devanny. Publ.:Jarrolds. Uk. 1951. Hard cover with dust jacket. 251 pages. With photo's. In exc.cond. 5,=

730.A century of Detec- tive Stories. Publ.: Hutchinson & Co.,London,Uk. 1st. pr. 1935. 44 stories. 1019 pages.. In exc.cond. 5,=

731.How to photograph Trains J.D.Mills. Publ..:Fountain Press,London, Uk. 1st.pr. 1957. Hard cover with dust jacket. 95 pages with loots of photographs of steamtrains. In exc.cond. 4,=

732.6 Great short novels of Science Fiction. Edited by:Groff Conklin. Publ.:Dell first Edit. . Pocketnr.D9. 3rd.pr. 1956. 384 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

735.The Dragon murder case- S.S.van Dine. Bantam Book pocket nr.362. USA. April 1949. 245 pag. In nice cond. 3,=

738.The nigger of the Narcissus/Typhoon/The Shadow Line-Joseph Conrad. Publ.:Everyman's Library nr.980. Uk. 1960. Hardback with dustjac- ket. 305 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

739.Mickel Seafarer (Michael Sjofarare)-Olle Mattson. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd.,Uk. Trans- lated from Swedish by Anna Sturge and Elizabeth Sprigge. 1st.pr. 1961. Hardback with dust jacket. 128 pag. Illustr.: Elisabeth Grant. Exc.cond. 2,50

740.Foreign affairs 1919-1939. Publ.: Basis Books,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1940. Hardback. 353 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

741.Variable winds at Jalna-Mazo de la Roche. Publ.: Macmillan & Co.,London Uk. 1st pr. 1955. Hardback with dust jacket. 314 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

742.Best of Damon Runyon. Edited by:E.C. Bentley. Publ.:Pocket Books Inc.,USA. 23 rd pr. 1945. 237 pag. In nice cond. 2,50

743.Operation Breaktrough- Dan J.Marlowe. Publ.: Fawcett,USA. 1st.pr. 1971. Fawcett Gold Medal nr.T 2486. 187 pag. In exc.cond. 2,=

744.Burmese silver-Edward Thompson. Albatross pocket nr.341. 1947. 246 pag. Printed in Italy. Exc.cond. 2,=

745.The death of the heart- Elizabeth Bowen. Albatross pocket nr.501. 1939. Printed in Germany. 309 pag. Exc. cond. 2,=

746.House of defense- Elizabeth Berridge. Albatross pocket nr.570. 1948. 255 pag. Printed by Sythoff,Leyden. In nice cond. 2,=

749.Myra Carroll-Noel Streatfield. Albatross pocket nr.572. 1947. 261 pag. Print: Sijthoff,Leyden,Holland. Exc.cond. 2,50

750.Polonaise-Doris Leslie. Albatross pocket nr.557. 1947. 269 pag. Print.:Sijthoff,Leyden, Holland. Exc.cond. 2,=

751.Siamese white-Maurice Collis. Albatss pocket nr.573. 1947. 241 pag. Print.:Sijthoff, Leyden,Holland. Exc.cond. 2,=

752.Sorrell and son- Warwick Deeping. Albatross pocket nr.224. 1947. 382 pag. Pint.:Mondadori,Italy. Exc.cond. 2,50

754.ZA the truffle boy(ZA il Tartufaio)-Angela Latini. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd,Uk. Hard cover with dust jacket. 1960. Translated from italian by:Archibald Colquhoun. 128 pag. Illustr.:Pino Dell' Orco. Exc.cond. 2,=

755.Rhe road to Agra (Veien til Agra)-Aimee Sommetrfelt. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd.,Uk. Hard cover with dust jacket. 1961. Translated from norwegian by:Evelyn Ramsden. 144 pag. Illustr.:Ulf Aas. Exc.cond. 2,50

756.The Brig Three Lilies(Briggen tre Liljor)-Olle Matson. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd.Uk. 1960. Hard cover with dust jacket. Translated from swedish by:Anna Sturge and Elizabeth Sprigge. 173 pag. Illustr.: Elisabeth Grant. Exc.cond. 2,=

757.Don Tiburcio's secret (Le secret de Don Tiburcio)- jeanne Loisy. Publ.: University of London Press Ltd.,Uk. 1959. Hard cover with dust jacket.Translated from french by:James Kirkup. 144 pag. Illustr.: Francoise Estachy. Exc.cond.2,=

758.The white rat and his fireman(Rat-Blanc et son chauffeur)-Etienne Cattin. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd.,Uk. 1961. Hard cover with dust jacket. Translated from french by:Ronald S. Kirkman. 144 pag. Illustr.:Francoise Estachy. Exc.con. 2,=

759.The secret journey (Hemlig Resa)-Harry Kullman. Publ.: University of London Press Ltd, Uk. 1959. Hard cover with dust jacket. Translated from swedish by:Evelyn Ramsden. 158 pag. Illustr.:Claes Backstrom. Exc. cond. 2,=

760.Mr Bunting in peace and war-Robert Greenwood. Publ.: Bobbs Merrill Comp. USA. 1st pr. 1941. Hard cover with dust jacket. 480 pag. In nice cond.(jacket -/-). 5,=

761.The gentleman of the party-A.G.Street. Publ.: Faber and Faber ltd., London,Uk. 12th Impr. 1955. Hard cover with dusjacket. 256 pag. In nice cond. 3,=

762.The sea broke trough (Jongens helpen in de nood)-Ardo Flakkeberg. Publ.:University of London Press Ltd. 1959. Translated from the Dutch by:K.E.Bendien. Hard cover with dust jacket. 128 pag. Illustr.:Piet Klaasse. In goede staat. 3,=

763.Mere England(A poem by J.H.B.Peel). Publ.:Chaterson Ltd.,London,Uk. 2nd.pr. 1946. Hard cover with dust jacket. 220 pag. Exc.cond. 4,=

764.White Lilac(or,the Queen of May)-Amy Walton. Publ.:Blackie and Son ltd.,Uk. 1st.pr. +/- 1911. Hard cover. 223 pag.+ 16 pag.publ. adverts. In exc.cond. 5,=

765.Lancashire and the Pennines-Frank Singleton. A survey of Lancashire and parts of Northumberland, Durham,Cumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire Publ.:B.T.Batsford Ltd,Uk. Series:The Face of Britain. 1st.pr. 1952. 144 pag. Illustr.with black and white photo's. Hard cover with dustjacket. Exc.cond. 5,=

767.A son of the people- Baroness Orczy. Publ.: Greening & Co.,London. Popular edition. 3rd.pr. 1908. Hard cover. 340 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

768.Love of 7 dolls-Paul Gallico. Avon Publica- tions 760. USA. 1st.pr. 1954. 122 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

769.From the Cam to the Cays(The story of the Cambridge Expedition to British Honduras 1959-60) - David Carr and John Thorpe. Publ.:The Travel Book Club, London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1961. 190 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc.cond. 5,=

770.The heart of Nepal- Duncan Forbes. Publ.:The Travel Book Club, London, Uk. 1st.pr. 1962. 192 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc.cond. 5,=

771.The whole voyald and other stories-William Saroyan. Publ.: Faber and faber,Uk. 1st.1957. Hard cover with dust jacket. 255 pag. Exc.cond. 4,=

772.Give me the world- Leila Hadley. Story of a two-year trip by Leila Hadley (and het little boy Kippy)to the Far East. Writing about Manila, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Penang,The Nicobar Islands,Ceylon, India, Damascus etc. Publ.:Travel Book Club, London,Uk. 1st.pt. 1958. 343 pag. Exc. cond. 5,=

773.Fragrant harbour(a private view of Hong Kong) -F.D.Ommanney. Writers memorial of his 3 years in Hong Kong. Publ.:Travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1 st.pr. 1962. 223 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc. cond. 6,=

774.Coleman's Drive (from Buones Aires to New York in a vintage Baby Austin)-John Coleman. Publ.:Travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1962. 260 pag. Exc.cond. 6,=

775.Elephant Kingdom- H.N. marshall. Writers expierence of his 7 years in the jungles of Northern Siam. Publ.:Travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1959. 190 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc.cond. 5,=

776.Bulgarian back ground-Bernard Newman. Writers travel trough Bulgaria. Publ.: Travel Book Club, London , Uk. 1st.pr. 1961. 202 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc.cond. 5,=

778.August 1914-Barbara W.Tuchman. Book on World War I. Publ.: Constable & Co.,London, Uk. 1st.pr. 1962. 499 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Exc.cond. 7,=

780.Berber Village(the story of the Oxford University Expedition to the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco)- Bryan Clarke. Publ.:The Travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1959. 160 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. In the summer of 1955,five undergradua- tes ,officially sponsored by the Oxford University Exploration Club,set off in a truck they named Tartarin to visit the Berber Tribes in the Atlas Mountains of Southern Morocco. Their aim sto study the people and fauna and flora of this remote part of North Africa. This is a lighthearted account of the expedition by its leader,who has the rare ability to tell a good story with grace and humour. Exc.cond. 6,=

781.Where the clocks chime twice-Alec Waugh. Publ.: The Travel Book Club, London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1952. 271 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket(Mudge Marriott). The Seychelles: This remote British colony, lost in the immensity of the Indian Ocean, is a world forgotten by the world, a world in itself. Alec Waugh's description of these tropical islands, their people and their history, ranks among the best of travel writing. Exc. cond. 6,=

782.Two against the ice-Ejnar Mikkelsen. Publ.: The Travel Book Club, London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1960. 224 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket.TWO AGAINST THE ICE is a classic tale of survival by an unheralded but important figure in the history of Arctic exploration(Mikkelsen's expedition to Greenland 1910-1912 together with Iversen). Exc.cond. 6,=

783.The last continent- Douglas Liversidge. Publ.:The travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1958. 248 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket(Winston Megoran). Fascinating data about the white wilderness of Antarctica. The arduous search for it,right from the 15th century and the gripping adventure and drama in subsequent exploration of the desolate interior up to the present day. Accounts of sealing and whale hunting. Vividly described bird-life. Illustr. with black&white photos.exc.cond. 6,=

784.Incredible Africa- Willard Price. Publ.: The Travel Book Club, London,Uk. 2nd.pr. 1963. 213 pag.Hard cover with dust jacket. The fascinating record of a round-the-continent journey by Willard Price. It is a timely and lively investigation of the political and social changes which are transforming parts of Africa at lightning pace. Exc.cond. 5,=

785.Ask the name of the lion(A modern novel of the Congo)-Ralph Allen. Publ.: Hodder & Stoughton,London ,Uk. 1st.pr. 1962. 189 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket (based on painting by Franklin Artbuckle). Novel focuses dramatically upon the incredible forces and conclickts in Congo. Six individuals fleeing together trough the african jungle to escape the frenzied drunken wrath of a band of Congolese soldiers. Exc.cond. 5,=

787.Mistapim in Cambodia - Christopher Pym. Publ.: The Travel Book Club,London, Uk. 1st.pr. 1960. 192 pag. Illustr.: photographs by the author. Hard cover with dust jacket. Record of writer's search for the heart of Cambodia, the heart of the Khmer people and its civilisation. Exc.cond. 5,=

788.The most beautiful desert of all-Philippe Diole. publ.:The travel Book Club,London,Uk. 2nd.pr. 1059. 185 pag.
Account of writer's journey in the Sahara in search of ancient traces of prehistoric popula- tion.Translated from french by: Katherine Woods. Hard cover with dust jacket (Cuthill) . exc.cond. 5,=

789.The road to Angkor- Christopher Pym. Bubl.: Travel book Club,London, uk. 1st.pr. 1959. 185 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Writer's 7 week journey in 1957 trough Indo-China from the ancient capital Champa to Ankhor, capitol of the old Khmer empire in Cambodia. 450 miles on foot. Exc.cond. 6,=

790.Red carpet to China- Michael Croft. Publ.;The Travel Book Club,London , Uk. 1st.pr. 1958. 278 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket(H.Toothill). Journey via Russia to China. Sketches of life in China . exc.cond. 6,=

791.Noone of the Ulu- Dennis Holman. Publ.:The Travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1959. 253 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Story of Pat Noone's work and life among the Temiar, together with the adventure of his brother Richard's special military assignment. Exc.cond. 5,=

792.South from the Red Sea-Haroun Tazieff. publ.;The Travel Book Club,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1956. 213 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Part I:In the Red Sea with Calypso(with captain Cousteau) Part II:Central Africa Illustrated with photo's translated by:Naomi Lewis. Exc.cond. 5,=

793.Time well spent- Evelyn Cheesman. Publ.:The Travel Book Club,london,Uk. 1st.pr. 1960. 224 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket.No plodding account of travels and specimens but a most lively and readable story of the fascinating islands of the Pacific and their peoples and of the adventures that befell the author in het scientific explorations. Exc.cond. 5,=

794.High road to Hunza- Barbara Mons. Publ.: The Travel Book Club,Londo n, Uk. 1st.pr. 1958. 157 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket(V.Coverley Pricey) .Story of the journey and the stay there in 1956 of Dr. and mrs.Mons to the almost legendary country of Hunza(in the Himala- yas) . Exc.cond. 6,=

795.African switchback- Nicholas Mosley. Publ.: The Travel Book Club,london, Uk. 1st.pr, 1958. 224 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Story of a journey in 1957 by Nicholas Mosley and Hugo Charteris from Dakar to Lagos across West Africa. Book contains map of this journey. Exc.cond. 5,=

796.Saga of the Niger- Richard Owen. Publ.: The Travel Book Club, London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1961. 188 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket (Toothill). The author describes his journey travelling through Africa in the footsteps of Mungo Park. Exc.cond. 6,=

797.Mountains in the sea (the story of the Gough Island expedition 1955-56) - Martin Holdgate. Publ.: The Travel Book club,London, Uk. 1st.pr. 1958. 222 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. How a group of young men set out to explore Gough Island in the South Atlantic(via Tristan de Cunha) . Exc.cond. 6,=

798.A stranger in Spain- H.V.Morton. Publ.: Methuen & Co.,London, Uk. reprint 1960. 374 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Starting from Madrid the author motored round Spain ,relating the landscape to its happenings. Revealing a rich tapestry of events. The author's taste drew him to the austere Spain of Castile and the North. Incl.map of his travel. Exc. cond. 5,=

799.The reason why-Cecil Woodham-Smith. Publ.: constable,London. 1st.pr. 1953. 293 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. With illustrations and maps. Book examines a part of the action of the Battle of Balaclava, one of the earlier and most important battles of the Crimean War. Exc.cond. 5,=

800.Makers of the realm(series:The Story of England pt.1)-Arthur Bryant. publ.:Collins, London. 5th pr. 1962. 399 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket(Ian Baker). How the nation was made,its people blended into one and its basic ideals and institu- tions created. Exc.cond. 4,=

801.The land is yours-C. henry Warren. Publ.:Eyre and Spottiswoode,London. 1st.pr. 1944. Hard cover with dust jacket. 162 pag. An intimate account of rural life in East Anglia/Essex. Exc. cond. 4,=

802.Maine and her people -Harrold B. Clifford. Publ.:The Bond Wheelwright Company, Freeport,Maine. 1st.pr. 1958. 326 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. The history,geography, government, resources and economic and social life of Maine. Illustrated with lots of photo's of Maine. Exc.cond. 6,=

803.Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare. Publ.:Grosset & Dunlap,New York. series:Cameo Classics. 1948. Hard cover book in slipcase. 172 pag. On bookcover is a cameo of Johann Gutenberg. Exc.cond. 5,=

804.Nova Scotia(Cana- da's OceanPlayground) Publ.:Nova Scotia Government Bureau of Information,Halifax, Canada. 1950. 62 pag. (31 pag.text,31 pages colour photo's). Format: 19x27 cm. Soft cover. Exc.cond. 4,=

805.Around the world in colour. A pictorial journey of discovery trough many lands. Text:W.G.Moore. Illustr.:Pirre Leroy and Jean Steen. Publ.:Paul Hamlyn, London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1960. Hard cover. 66 pag. Format: 26,5 x 34 cm. Exc.cond. 6,=

806.My first encyclopedia in colour. 475 pictures in colour-Jean Steen. Illustr.:P.Brasseur,P. Leroy,Donnet,Jean Steen + 14 more. Publ.:Paul Hamlyn,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1959. hard cover. Format:26,5x34 cm. Exc.cond. 6,=

807.The U.S.A. its land,its people,its industries. Publ.: F.E. Compton & Company,Chicago, USA. Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia. 1st.pr. 1953. Soft cover. 100 pag. Exc.Cond. 5,=

809.Practical Motorist & Motor Cyclist. Monthly magazine. October 1956. Uk. Soft cover. 87 pag. Format: 21x29 cm. Exc.cond. 3,=

810.Practical Motorist & Motor Cyclist. Monthly Magazine. April 1958. Soft cover.Uk. 95 pag. Format:21x29 cm. Exc.cond. 3,=

811.Practical Motorist & Motor Cyclist. Monthly magazine. October 1958. Uk. Soft cover. 99 pag. Format:21x29 cm. Exc.cond. 3,=

812.Practical Motorist & Motor Cyclist. Monthly magazine. January 1959. Uk. Soft cover. 9 pag. Format:21x29 cm. Exc.cond. 3,=

813.Practical Motorist & Motor Cyclist. Monthly magazine. Uk. April 1959. Soft cover. 107 pag. Format: 21x29 cm. Exc.cond. 4,=

814.Encyclopedia of Rock 'n Roll-Brown and Friedrich. A concise guide to the young sound of 1953-1963. Biographies of the singers and d.j.'s who made swinging R'nR an american institution. Publ.:Tower pocket nr.T-125-19 ,USA. 1970. 217 pag. Exc.cond. 4,=

815.Lonely road-Nevil Shute. Publ.:William Heinemann Ltd. Uk. Hard cover with dustjacket. 239 pag. 1952, Exc.cond. 4,=

816.Theseold shades- Georgette Heyer. Publ.: William Heinemann Ltd.,London. febr. 1940. Hard cover with dust jacket. 352 pag. Illustr.:S.C.Hulme Beaman. Exc.cond. 4,=

817.Quantock Country- Berta Lawrence. Publ.:Westaway, London,Uk. 1952. Hard cover with dustjacket. 240 pages. With 13 illustrations. Exc,cond. 5,=

818.Portrait of a marriage -Pearl S,buck. Publ.: Peoples Book Club, Chicago,USA. 1945. Hard cover with dustjacket. 290 pages. Illustr.in full colour by Charles Hargens. Exc.cond. 5,=

819.Shakespeare-land - Nora Baldwin Martin. Publ.: Blackie & Son,London.Uk. 1952. Hard cover with dustjacket. 61 pag. With 8 plates in colour from pantings by Leonard Squirrell. Exc.cond. 5,=

820.Two-Up(by scooter to Australia)-Michael Marriott. Publ.: Travel Book Club,London. 2nd pr. 1960. Hard cover with dust jacket. 214 pag. Exc.cond. 5,=

821.War Diaary of the English Electric Company Ltd.march 1938-august 1945. Publ.:Robinson Ltd.,London, Uk. 1946. Hard cover. 255 pag. with lots of pictures of WW.2 weapons and factories. Exc.cond. 15,=

822.North devon(A picto- rial introduction to). Publ.:Kentgravure,Uk. 34 pag. filled with black & white photographs. Soft cover. Exc.cond. 3,=

824.Pornography and the law-Drs.Eberhard & Phyllis Kronhausen. Ballntine Books pocket nr.S346K. 1st,pr. USA. 1959. 317 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=j

826.The singing cave-John Appleby. Publ.: W erner Laurie,London. 1st.pr. 1952. Hard cover with dust jacket. 242 pag. Nice cond. 3,=

827.Just so stories(for little children)- Rudyard Kipling. Publ.:MacMillan and Co.,London. Library Edition 2nd.reprint. 1950. 228 pag. Hard cover with dust jacket. Nice cond. 3,=

829.Travels with Charley- John Steinbeck. Publ.: Heinemann,Uk. Hard cover with dust jacket. 1962 (2nd UK print). 246 pag. Exc. cond. 6,=

830.Present day English for Foreign Students book 2-E.Frank Candlin. Publ.: University of London Press Ltd. soft cover. 5th edit. 1968. 288 pag. In nic cond. 2,=

831.Bring the jubilee-Ward Moore. Publ.:Farrar, Straus & Young with Ballantine Books. USA. 1953. 194 pag. Pocket nr.38. Exc.con. 2,=

832.Dangerous men-Paull Steward. Publ.: Harrap's Shilling Library. Uk. 1936. Hard cover with dust jacket. 260 pag. In exc. cond.(dust jacket -/-). 4,=

833.Renny's daughter-Mazo de la Roche. Publ.:Macmillan & Co.,London,Uk. 1st.pr. 1951. Hard cover with dust jacket. 363 pages. Exc.cond. 3,=

834.Centenary at Jalna-Mazo de la Roche. Publ: Macmillan & Co.,London, Uk. 2nd.pr. 1962. Hard cover with dust jacket. 302 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

835.The Whiteoak Brothers- Mazo de la Roche. Publ.: Macmillan & Co.,London,Uk. 1st pr. 1954. Hard cover with dust jacket. 269 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

836.Whiteoak Harvest-Mazo de la Roche. Publ.:Macmillan & co., London,Uk. 1st pr. 1955. Hard cover with dustjacket. 329 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

837.Variable winds at Jalna- Mazo de la Roche. Publ.: Macmillan & Co.,London,Uk. 4th pr. 1967. Hard cover with dustjacket. 314 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

838.Mary Wakefield-Mazo de la Roche. Publ.: Macmillan & Co.,London, uk. 1st.pr. 1949. Printed in the Netherlands. Hard cover with dustjacket. 301 pag. Exc.cond. 3,=

839.The testament of Adolf Hitler(The Hitler-Bormann documents). Publ.:Cassell, London,Uk. Hard cover with dust jacket. 1961. 115 pag. Ex.cond. 4,=

840.Inside Africa-John Gunther. Publ.:Hamish Hamilton,Uk. 1st.pr. 1955. Hard cover with dust jacket. 960 pag. Exc.cond. 5,=

841.Listen the wind-Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Uitg.: Dell books. Pocket nr.D182. USA. 224 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

843.Star surgeon(The fight to save a man made marvel in space)-James White. Publ.: Ballantine Books USA. Pocket nr.F 709. 159 pag. 1st.pr. 1963. Exc.cond. 2,50

844.Kidnapped-Robert Louis Stevenson. Publ.: Scholstic Book Services, New York,USA. Pocket nr.T420. 9th pr. 1971. 276 pag. Exc.cond. 2,=

845.Harvest on the Don- Mikhail Sholokhov. Publ.:New English Library. Uk. 1962. First Four Square edit. Pocket nr.742. 333 pag. Exc.cond. 2,50

848.Moving and growing(Physical Education i the Primary School) part 1. Publ.:Het Majesty Stationary Office. 6th pr. May 1958. Hard cover with dustjacket. 115 pag. Illustr.with photos. In nice cond. 4,=

849.Wagons over the mountains-Edith McCall. Western. Publ.:Childrens Press,chicago,USA. 1961. Hard cover. 128 pag. Illustr.:Carol Rogers. Series: Frontiers of America. Exc. cond. 4,=

850.Moving and growing(Physical Education i the Primary School) part 2. Publ.:Het Majesty Stationary Office. 2nd pr. 1959. Hard cover with dustjacket. 115 pag. Illustr.with photos. In nice cond. 4,=

856.Whisky Galore- Compton Mackenzie. Publ.:Penguin Books nr.1220. 2nd pr. 1958. 281 pag. Exc.cond. 1,50

857.Orange on top (Dutch postwar recovery)-A. Royalton Kisch. Publ.: A.W.Sijthoff's Publishing Company. 1st.pr. 1946. Soft coverc with dustjacket. 70 pag. Illustr.with bl/white photos. Exc.cond. 6,=

858.Ice & Roller Skating-Sid.G.Hedges. Publ.: Frederick Warne & Co. London,Uk. 1923. Soft cover. 64 pag. series: Warne's Recreation Books. Nice cond. 5,=

859.Jack O'Neils further adverture in Holland- Cuey-Na-Gael. Publ.:J.M.Bredee's Boeh handel en U.M.,Rotterdam. 3rd pr. 1914. Hard cover. 132 pag. Exc.cond. 4,=

1. Les 500 millions de la Begum-Jules Verne. Livre de Poche.
Librairie Hachette. 1966. In exc. cond. 1,50

2, Courriersud-A.de Saint Exupery. Livre de Poche 177. Gallimard. 1956. In exc.cond. 1,50

3. Les anges noirs- Francois Mauriac. Le Livre de Poche 580. Brodard et Taupin. 1960. In exc.cond. 1,50

4. Galigai-Francois Mauriac. Serie: J'ai Lu nr.93. 1961. In exc. cond. 1,50

5. Bonjour tristesse- Francoise Sgan. Livre de Poche 772. Brodard et Taupin. 1977. In exc. cond. 1,=

6. Dix petits negres- Agatha Christie. Livre de Poche policier 954.
Brodard et Taupin. 1963. In exc.cond. 1,50

7. Memoires de guerre/ L'unite 1942-1944- Charles de Gaulle. Livre de Poche Historiques 391/392. Brodard et Taupin. 1959. In exc.cond. 2,=

8. Charite bien ordonnee-Irving le Roy.
Editions Fleuve Noir nr.6. Foucault. 1956. In exc.cond. 2,50

9. Les complices-Simenon. Presse de la cite. Bussiere a Saint Amand. 1956. In exc. cond. 1,50

10. Le ble en herbe- Colette. serie: J'ai Lu nr.2. 1958. In exc. cond. 2,=

12. Monsieur Ouine- Georges Bernanos. Livre de Poche nr.595.
Brodard et Taupin. 1960. In exc. cond. 1,50

13. Double crime sur la ligne Maginot-Pierre Nord. Livre de Poche policier nr.2134. Brodard et Taupin. 1971. In exc. cond. 1,=

14. Longitude 103- Bernard Frank. Flammarion et Cie. 1951. In exc.cond. 2,=

15. Adrienne Mesurat-Julien Greene. Livre de Poche nr.504/505. 1965.
In exc.cond. 1,50

16. Le fantome de l' Opera-Gaston Leroux.
Livre de Poche. Brodard et Taupin. 1961. In exc.cond. 1,50

17. Remorques-Roger Vercel. Livre de Poche nr.36. 1965. In exc. cond. 1,50

18. L'Age de raison-Jean Paul Sartre. Livre de Poche nr.522/523. Brodard et Taupin. 1960. In exc.cind. 1,50

19. L'Homme de la tour Eiffel-georges Simenon.
Uitg.:Biblioth. francaise de Paul Brand. Serie:Jaune tome 2. 11th Edit. 1968. In
exc.cond. 1,25

20. Les hommes de la route-Andre Chamson. Le livre de poche nr.231.
Volume parus. In exc.condit. 1,25

21. Pilote de guerre-Antoine de Saint- Exupery. Brodard et taupin. serie: Le Livre de Poche. 1958. Exc.cond. 2,=

22. Les mains sales-Jean Paul Sartre. Brodard et Taupin. serie:Le Livre de Poche nr.10. 1958. Exc. cond.

23. La force de l'age-Simone de Beauvoir. Edition Gallimard. serie:Le Livre de Poche nrs. 1458/1459/1460. 1960. 701 blz. In mooie staat. 2,=

24, Therese Raquin- Emile Zola. Brodard et Taupin,. Serie:Le Livre de Poche nr 34. 1967. In mooie staat. 1,50

25,. L'arierre petit fils (Great son)- Edna Ferber. Edit.:Gerard & co. Collection Marabout nr.28. In mooie staat. 2,=

26. La nausee-Jean Paul Sartre. Edition Gallimard. serie:Le Livre de Poche nr.160. 1965. In mooie staat. 1,50

27. La prmiere euquete de Maigret-Simenon. Presses de la City,Paris. 1951. In mooie staat. 2,=

28. 3 Chambres a Manhattan-Simenon. Presses pocket nr.249. 1965. In mooie staat. 1,50

29. Gigi-Colette. Brodard et Taupin. serie:Le Livre de Poche nr.89. 1958. In mooie staat. 1,50

30. Fanny-Marcel Pagnol. brodard et Taupin. serie:Le Livre de Poche nr.74. 1954. In mooie staat. 2,=

31. Pitie pour les femmes- H.de Montherlant. serie:Le Livre de Poche nr.47. 1948. In mooie staat. 1,50

32. Le demon du bien- H.de Montherlant. serie:Livre de Poche nr.48. 1937. In mooie staat. 2,=

33. Chopin ou le poete- Guy de Pourtales. Edit. Gallimard 1946. In mooie staat. 1,25

34. Guide de Majorque- J.Escalas. 31 eme edition (7eme edit.francaise). 1962. 10 cartes et plans. 246 photos. In mooie staat. 3,=

35.L'ecole de Paris(au Musee National d'Art Moderne)- Bernard Dorival. Publ.: Editions Aimery Somogy,Paris. 1st.pr. 1961. Livre avec jacuette. 324 pag. exc.con. 5,=

37.Le voyageur de la Toussaint-Georges Simenon. Publ.:Gallimard. 1941. 253 pag. Livre avec jacquette. Exc.cond. 5,=